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01 - The Day the Fish Fell
02 - Rainbow road
03 - Nononon
04 - A possible friendship
05 - Gluttonous day
06 - Ketchup and mustard
07 - Uokichi's Ordeal
08 - Stray, Slip and Fall
09 - Sekine-Kun's Secret
10 - Garden of the Doinians
11 - Mustard and Ketchup
12 - Mission: Zucchini
13 - Shopping Districts are Forever
14 - The Day They Ate Uokichi, Part 1
15 - The Day They Ate Uokichi, Part 2
16 - When You Wish Upon a Star
17 - Battle In the Third Dimension
18 - The Queen of Multiple Choice
19 - How Distant the Showa Era Has Grown
20 - Nonononn and Purilun
21 - Uokichi's Been Stolen ? !
22 - The Battle of Bahaara