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01 - The Genius that Flew Down into the Darkness
02 - The Nature of Waking Up
03 - A Heresy Tactic
04 - The Villainy of a Genuine Thing
05 - Betrayal of my Family
06 - Rascal Nature
07 - An Innocent Demon
08 - Revival Omen
09 - Genius' Shingan
10 - Prediction of a Counterattack
11 - Hopeless Preparation
12 - Magic of the Rare Machine
13 - Orbit of Wind and Lightning
14 - Rakshasa's New Chapter
15 - Ouma Time
16 - Fighting Tile of Destrucion
17 - Proof of a Genius
18 - The Chains of the Tiles
19 - The Bewilderment of the Demon
20 - Hope and Folly
21 - A Ray of Fantasy
22 - The Contrived Shackles
23 - The Power of Luck
24 - The Will of the Demons
25 - The Temptation of Murderous Intent
26 - Madness and Darkness and...
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 26
01 - Yami ni maiorita tensai
02 - Shishitsu no kakusei
03 - Itan no sakuryaku
04 - Honmono no burai
05 - Uragiri no zetsuichimon
06 - Akkan no shishitsu
07 - Mujaki na akki
08 - Fukkatsu no zenchou
09 - Tensai no shingan
10 - Kyakushuu no yokoku
11 - Zetsubou e no fuseki
12 - Guuki no mahou
13 - Fuurai no kidou
14 - Rasetsu no shinshou
15 - Ouma ga toki
16 - Hametsu no touhai
17 - Isai no shoumei
18 - Jabaku no haishi
19 - Kishin no konmei
20 - Kibou to gukou
21 - Ichiru no gensou
22 - Sakui no ashikase
23 - Gou'un no iryoku
24 - Mamono no ishi
25 - Satsui no yuuwaku
26 - Kyouki to yami to...