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01 - The First Conflict: Brothers
02 - The Second Conflict: Confusion
03 - The Third Conflict: Promise
04 - The Fourth Conflict: Jealousy
05 - The Fifth Conflict: Submersion
06 - The Sixth Conflict: Photos
07 - The Seventh Conflict: Breaking Point
08 - The Eighth Conflict: Nightmare
09 - The Ninth Conflict: Vision
10 - The Tenth Conflict: Enlightenment
11 - The Eleventh Conflict: Love-Hate
12 - The Twelfth Conflict: Romance
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 12
01 - Dai ichi shōtotsu: Kyōdai
02 - Dai ni shōtotsu: Konran
03 - Dai san shōtotsu: Yakusoku
04 - Dai shi shōtotsu: Shitto
05 - Dai go shōtotsu: Shinsui
06 - Dai roku shōtotsu: Shashin
07 - Dai nana shōtotsu: Genkai
08 - Dai hachi shōtotsu: Akumu
09 - Dai kyo shōtotsu: Bijon
10 - Dai Jyu shōtotsu: Higan
11 - Dai jū ichi shōtotsu: Ai to nikushimi
12 - Dai jūni no shototsu:Denki