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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 48 Modifier
01 - Debut of the Three-eyed Boy: I am Sharaku
02 - Ramen War ! An Angry Blow
03 - The Cute Little Baby is an Invader
04 - Looking for the Missing UFO
05 - Pursue the High-tech Speeding Car
06 - Is the Pretty Girl a Snake's Messenger ?
07 - Sharaku Haunted
08 - A Three-eyed Dog is Born
09 - The Secret of the Three-Rock Mountain
10 - No Kidding ? Sharaku is a Devil ?
11 - Protect my Treasure ! - Capital in Underground - part 1
12 - Protect the Underground Capital - Capital in Underground - part 2
13 - Protecting the Third Eye - Capital in Underground - part 3
14 - Space Power Explodes !
15 - Psychic Power vs. Super Magic
16 - The Legendary Monster is Discovered !
17 - School Entrance Examinations and Peace ?
18 - The Mysterious Bird called Moa
19 - The Ancient Devil Awakened
20 - Open your Mind, Ancient Devil
21 - 3, 2, 1, Bang !
22 - Challenge of the Mysterious Thief Ozuma
23 - Messenger from the Ancient Times - Mystery of the Three-eyed Family - part 1
24 - Secret Under the Bottom of the Lake - Mystery of the Three-eyed Family - part 2
25 - Search for the Treasure - Mystery of the Three-eyed Family - part 3
26 - Secret Mission - Mystery of the Three-eyed Family - part 4
27 - Sharaku in Wonderland
28 - Villain Bumpuku Appears
29 - Another Sharaku - Ancient Prince Godal - part 1
30 - Look for the Ultimate Weapon ! - Ancient Prince Godal - part 2
31 - Activate Gomora ! - Ancient Prince Godal - part 3
32 - Earth Hijacking Plan - Ancient Prince Godal - part 4
33 - Get Back the Soul ! - Ancient Prince Godal - part 5
34 - Bumpuku Reappears
35 - Seven Pillars Appear ! - Wearied Plant Bolbocc - part 1
36 - The Mysterious Girl Moegi - Wearied Plant Bolbocc - part 2
37 - Shadow Lurking Under the Ground - Wearied Plant Bolbocc - part 3
38 - The Land Starts To Move - Wearied Plant Bolbocc - part 4
39 - Showdown; Sharaku vs. Bolbocc ! - Wearied Plant Bolbocc - part 5
40 - The Monkey Speaks ! - Easter Island Voyage - part 1
41 - Landing on Devil Island - Easter Island Voyage - part 2
42 - Marriage of Pogo and Sharaku ? - Easter Island Voyage - part 3
43 - Goodbye, Pogo - Easter Island Voyage - part 4
44 - Going After Moa
45 - Big Battle Over the Mexican Sky
46 - Assassination Plan Against Moa
47 - Super Bolbocc is Revived !
48 - Goodbye, Sharaku Hosuke - Pledge for Tomorrow
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 48 Modifier
01 - mittsu me toojoo boku ga sharaku da
02 - raamen sensoo ! ikari no ichigeki
03 - kawaii akachan wa shinrya ku sha
04 - maigo no UFO o sagase
05 - haiteku boosoo sha o oe
06 - bishoojo wa hebi no tsukai ?
07 - nottora re ta sharaku
08 - mittsu me inu tanjoo
09 - mittsu iwayama no himitsu
10 - uso ! ? sharaku ga akuma
11 - mamore ! boku no hoomotsu
12 - mamore ! chika no to
13 - mamore ! dai san no me
14 - bakuhatsu ! uchuu pawaa
15 - choo nooryoku VS choo majutsu
16 - hakken ! densetsu no kaibutsu
17 - juken sensoo to heiwa ! ?
18 - fushigi tori moa ! !
19 - kodai majin mezameru
20 - kokoro o ake kodai majin
21 - 321 dokaan
22 - kaitoo ozuma no choosen
23 - mittsu me zoku no nazo kodai kara no shisha
24 - mittsu me zoku no nazo kotei ni nemuru himi tsu
25 - mittsu me zoku no nazo zaihoo o sagashi dase
26 - mittsu me zoku no nazo hime rare ta shimei
27 - fushigi no kuni no sharaku
28 - akutoo bun fuku ara waru
29 - kodai ooji godaru moo ichi nin no sharaku
30 - kodai ooji godaru saishuu heiki o sagase !
31 - kodai ooji godaru shidoo seyo ! gomora
32 - kodai ooji godaru chikyuu nottori keikaku
33 - kodai ooji godaru tamashii o torimodose !
34 - bun fuku sai biarawaru
35 - kai shokubutsu borubokku shutsugen ! nana hon no hashira
36 - kai shokubutsu borubokku fushigi shoojo moegi
37 - kai shokubutsu borubokku chitei ni hisomu kage
38 - kai shokubutsu borubokku ugokidashi ta daichi
39 - kai shokubutsu borubokku kessen ! sharaku VS borubokku
40 - iisutaa too kookai saru ga shabetta !
41 - iisutaa too kookai jooriku ! akuma no sumu shima
42 - iisutaa too kookai kekkon ? pogo to sharaku
43 - iisutaa too kookai sayoonara, pogo
44 - nerawa re ta moa !
45 - mekishiko jookuu dai batoru
46 - moa ansatsu keikaku
47 - fukkatsu ! suupaaborubokku
48 - ashita e no chikai


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Coque iPhone 5/5s - Kiki


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