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01 - The Test
02 - First Duel
03 - Killer Paburo
04 - A Vain Oath
05 - Question Of Consciousness
06 - Big Stone
07 - Uatari Katunoshin
08 - Sun Boy
09 - Birthday party
10 - The Painful Detection
11 - The meeting
12 - A difficult descision
13 - Wanted
14 - Good way. Bad Way
15 - Duel in Morta City
16 - Till the last blow
17 - Shine ! Justice of Isamu
18 - Shadows Of Past
19 - The Morrison farm
20 - Black Hurricane
21 - Enemies ! Indian puzzle
22 - The Scorpion brothers
23 - A Star for Sam
24 - The red masks
25 - Common destinies
26 - Farewell Morrison farm
27 - Showdown ! Isamu vs Billy the Kid
28 - The Canyon Of the gold
29 - Bush blaze ! Gold canyon
30 - Killing Or Dying
31 - The attack Of the Black Angels
32 - The Price Of Victory
33 - Bakarus the Gunman
34 - The Robber Hermit
35 - The Vendetta Of seven Years
36 - Drums Of War
37 - The Preacher
38 - The Sun Still Rises
39 - In the Sky Of the West
40 - Easy Money
41 - The Torn Map
42 - Two sherrifs
43 - Determination ! The Justice of Han Sakago
44 - The Small Robber
45 - Fight On River
46 - The Daughter Of Sheriff
47 - The Promised Land
48 - Outrageous ! Border Town
49 - Father ! ? Puzzle of orient
50 - The Kidnapping
51 - Imperial ! Father at Red River
52 - Finally Re-united