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List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Reboot
02 - Ich, der Vielfrass
03 - Samstagnacht und Sonntagmorgen
04 - Natürliche Feinde
05 - Motive
06 - Verborgene Hitzequelle
07 - Rhapsodien, die Töne einer untergegangenen Nation
08 - Ein vegetarisches Abendmahl
09 - Verzweiflung ist der Name der Hoffnung
10 - Der verrückt gewordene Mann
11 - Im Dickicht
12 - Für die Namenlosen
13 - Gesicht
14 - Achte auf dein linkes Auge !
15 - Ein Nachmittag der Maschinen
16 - Dort drüben
17 - Mutter und Kind
18 - Himmel über Berlin
19 - Relativreaktion
20 - Verwirrung im Norden
21 - Flucht
22 - Geisterstadt
23 - Dejima Bridges Falling Down
24 - Bombardement von Dejima
25 - Jenseits des Paradieses
26 - Rückkehr zum Patriotismus
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Saikidō REEMBODY
02 - Hōshoku no Boku NIGHT CRUISE
03 - Doyō no Yoru to Nichiyō no Asa CASH EYE
04 - Tenteki NATURAL ENEMY
05 - Dōki aru Monotachi INDUCTANCE
06 - Senzai Netsugen EXCAVATION
07 - Kyōsō wa Bōkoku no Shirabe Pu239
08 - Soshoku no Bansan FAKE FOOD
09 - Zetsubō toiu Na no Kibō AMBIVALENCE
10 - Ikareru Otoko TRIAL
11 - Kusa Meikyū AFFECTION
12 - Na mo Naki Mono e SELECON
13 - Kao MAKE UP
14 - Sagan ni Ki o Tsukero POKER FACE
15 - Kikaitachi no Gogo PAT.
16 - Soko ni Iru Koto ANOTHER CHANCE
17 - Shūkō Boshi RED DATA
18 - Tenshi no Shi TRANS PARENT
19 - Sōtai no Rensa CHAIN REACTION
20 - Hokutan no Konmei FABRICATE FOG
23 - Hashi ga Ochiru Hi MARTIAL LAW
24 - Dejima, Kūbaku NUCLEAR POWER
25 - Rakuen no Mukou e THIS SIDE OF JUSTICE
26 - Yūkoku e no Kikan ENDLESS∞GIG
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Reembody / Reactivation
02 - Night Cruise / The Satiated Me
03 - Cash Eye / Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
04 - Natural Enemy / Natural Enemy
05 - Inductance / Those that have the motive
06 - Excavation / Latent heat source
07 - Pu239 / Rambling thoughts are a study on ruined nations
08 - Fake Food / Vegetarian Feast
09 - Ambivalence / The Hope Named Despair
10 - Trial / The Man Who Goes Insane
11 - Affection / Grass Labyrinth
12 - Selecon / To Those Without Even A Name
13 - Make Up / Face
14 - Poker Face / Beware the Left Eye
15 - PAT. / Afternoon of the Machines
16 - Another Chance / The Fact of Being There
17 - Red Data / Repaired Mother-Child Relationship
18 - Trans Parent / Angel's Poem
19 - Chain Reaction / Chain Reaction of Symmetry
20 - Fabricate Fog / Confusion at the Northern End
21 - Embarrassment / Escape of Defeat
22 - Reversal Process / Abandoned City
23 - Martial Law / The Day the Bridge Falls
24 - Nuclear Power / Air Raid on Dejima
25 - This Side Of Justice / Beyond Paradise
26 - Endless∞GIG
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Riattivazione
02 - Io che mangio a sazietŕ
03 - Sabato notte e domenica mattina
04 - Nemico naturale
05 - Individui con un movente
06 - Fonte di calore latente
07 - Folli ideologie indagini su un paese perduto
08 - Cena vegetariana
09 - Una speranza chiamata disperazione
10 - Un uomo che puň impazzire
11 - Labirinto d'erba
12 - Per gli uomini che non hanno nemmeno un nome
13 - Volto
14 - Sta’ attento all'occhio sinistro
15 - Il pomeriggio delle macchine
16 - La storia di un uomo
17 - Il rapporto tra madre e figlio
18 - Il poema dell'angelo
19 - Catena di relativitŕ
20 - Caos all'estremo nord
21 - Fuga e sconfitta
22 - La cittŕ deserta
23 - Il giorno in cui cadde il ponte
24 - Bombardamento aereo su Dejima
25 - Oltre il Paradiso
26 - Ritorno in patria
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Reinicio
02 - Yo glotón
03 - Sábado noche y domingo por la mańana
04 - Enemigo natural
05 - Aquellos con un motivo
06 - Excavación
07 - PU 239
08 - Imitación de comida
09 - Ambivalencia
10 - Juicio
11 - Afecto
12 - Selecon
13 - Maquillaje
14 - Cara de póker
15 - PAT
16 - Otra oportunidad
17 - Red data
18 - Tansparente
19 - Reacción en cadena
20 - Fabricar niebla
21 - Vergüenza
22 - Proceso inverso
23 - Ley marcial
24 - Poder nuclear
25 - A este lado de la justicia
26 - GIG infinito
List of the episodes - Russia Russia Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Перезагрузка
02 - Мечтатель
03 - Вечер субботы — утро воскресенья
04 - Естественный враг
05 - Мотивация
06 - Источник тепла
07 - Рапсодия «Музыка побеждённых»
08 - Вегетарианский ужин
09 - Безнадёжная надежда
10 - Праведная злость
11 - Стеклянный лабиринт
12 - Безымянные
13 - Лицо
14 - Берегись левого глаза
15 - День машин
16 - Побывать там
17 - Как мать и дитя
18 - Поэма ангела
19 - Относительная реакция
20 - Беспорядки на северной границе
21 - Замешательство
22 - Покинутый город
23 - День, когда рухнул мост
24 - Дэдзима под ударами с воздуха
25 - По одну сторону рая
26 - Возврат к патриотизму


6 members have this series 6 members have this series


Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Mononoke
Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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