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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Allison and Will
02 - Towards the Enemy Nation !
03 - Walter's Battle
04 - Two People's Existing World
05 - Closed Forest
06 - The Valley of Fauna
07 - Entrusted Items
08 - Oujo-sama and the Hero
09 - The Hanging Bridge of the Original Battlefield
10 - The Train Named Conspiracy
11 - Attack the Armored Vehicle Head On
12 - Lillian's Long First Day
13 - And The Two of Them…
14 - Lillia and Treize
15 - Disaster !
16 - Charitii hikou tei
17 - Wings of Justice
18 - Rewarding Kiss
19 - Ikstova's Winter
20 - Nightmarish First Dream of the Year
21 - Fated Daddy's Girl
22 - Revealed Treasure
23 - Travellers By Chance
24 - Epic Train Battle
25 - The Criminal Is Secretly Laughing
26 - My Prince
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Allison to Will
02 - Tekikoku he !
03 - Walter no Tatakai
04 - Futari no Iru Sekai
05 - Tozasareta Mori
06 - Fiona no Tani
07 - Takusareta Mono Tachi
08 - Oujo-sama to Eiyuu
09 - Moto Senjou ni Kakaru Hashi
10 - Inbou to Iu Na no Ressha
11 - Soukousha ni Mukatte Utte
12 - Lillian no Nagai Tsuitachi
13 - Soshite Futari ha
14 - Lillia to Treize
15 - Sounan !
16 - Charity Hikoutei
17 - Taigi no Tsubasa
18 - Gohoubi no Kiss
19 - Fuyu no Ikstova
20 - Akumu no Hatsuyume
21 - Shukumei no Chichi Musume
22 - Akasareta Hihou
23 - Guuzen no Ryokoushatachi
24 - Ressha Taisaku Ikusa
25 - Hannin ha Hisokani Warau
26 - Watashi no Ouji-sama
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Allison & Will
02 - Im Feindesland !
03 - Walters letzter Kampf
04 - Eine Welt für Zwei
05 - Der einsame Wald
06 - Fionas Tal
07 - Begleitschutz
08 - Die Prinzessin und der Held
09 - Die Brücke über das Schlachtfeld
10 - Verschwörung im Zug
11 - Panzerwagen-Attacke
12 - Lillianes langer Tag
13 - Ein Paar
14 - Lillia & Treize
15 - Fiasko !
16 - Wohltätigkeitsflug
17 - Flügelkampf
18 - Belohnungskuss
19 - Winter in Ikstova
20 - Neujahrs-Alptraum
21 - Das Schicksal von Vater & Tochter
22 - Der Schatz wird enthüllt
23 - Zufallsbekanntschaft
24 - Kampf im Zug
25 - Der lachende Schurke
26 - Mein Prinz
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Allison e Will
02 - Verso il territorio nemico !
03 - La guerra di Walter
04 - Un mondo per due
05 - La foresta isolata
06 - La valle di Fiona
07 - Le persone credibili
08 - La principessa e l'eroe
09 - Il ponte del vecchio campo di battaglia
10 - Un treno chiamato cospirazione
11 - Sparate al carro armato
12 - La lunga giornata di Lilianne
13 - E così i due...
14 - Lillia e Treize
15 - Disastro !
16 - Volo di beneficenza
17 - Le ali della giustizia
18 - Il bacio premio
19 - Iktova in inverno
20 - Il primo sogno del nuovo anno è un incubo
21 - Padre e figlia del destino
22 - La rivelazione del tesoro
23 - Turisti per caso
24 - Epica battaglia sul treno
25 - Il criminale se la ride di nascosto
26 - Il mio principe


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Débardeur dos nageur - Papillons
Débardeur dos nageur - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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