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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - Cantankerous Mary
02 - I hate this !
03 - Someone's crying
04 - There's something behind the hedge
05 - What would happen if it came true ?
06 - Why won't you tell me ?
07 - Camilla's prophecy
08 - If you wish upon a star...
09 - Door that wouldn't open
10 - Give me a little bit of dirt
11 - Whoops, I lied again
12 - I'm never going home
13 - Now I've got noplace to go
14 - I stole the garden
15 - I hope it's not a dream
16 - Mysterious Raja
17 - I'm really busy
18 - After I went to the trouble of telling you
19 - Mr. Henry is the perpetrator
20 - The animals have arrived
21 - You were awake waiting for me, weren't you
22 - Let's go to the garden
23 - And it was going so well, too
24 - I can hear it, coming from the hearth
25 - I ate the letter
26 - Selfish Colin
27 - A storm has really come
28 - Why'd you save me ?
29 - Why's Camilla a witch ?
30 - Gotta set everyone free
31 - I want to be alone with you
32 - What's jealousy ?
33 - Will you forgive me, Dickon ?
34 - An unpropitious prophecy
35 - Let's go to London
36 - London's this big ?
37 - Where's Hawkins ?
38 - Goodbye, secret garden
39 - Magic
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - tsumuji magari no mearii
02 - konna toko iya da !
03 - dare ka ga naiteiru
04 - hei no mukô ni nani ga aru
05 - honto ni nattara dôsuru no ?
06 - dôshite oshiete kurenai no
07 - kamiira no yogen
08 - hoshi ni onegai wo···
09 - hirakazu no to
10 - jimen wo sukoshi kudasai
11 - mata uso tsuichatta
12 - kaette nanka yaru mon ka
13 - iku toko nakunacchatta
14 - oniwa wo nusunjattano
15 - yume de wa nai to ii no ni ne
16 - oyashiki no raaja
17 - atashi, tottemo isogashii no
18 - sekkaku oshiete agetanoni
19 - hannin wa henrii sensei ?
20 - dôbutsu tachi ga yatte kita
21 - nenaide matteita no nine
22 - oniwa ni ikôyo
23 - sekkaku umaku ittanoni
24 - kikoete kitano, danro kara
25 - tegami wo tabechattano
26 - wagamama korin
27 - honto ni arashi ga kichattano
28 - dôshite tasuketekurenaino
29 - dôshite majo nano kamiira ga ?
30 - minna wo nigashite yaranakucha
31 - kimi to futari de itainda
32 - yakimochi ttenaani ?
33 - dikon, yurushite kureru ka i ?
34 - fukitsu na yogen
35 - rondon ni ikô
36 - konnani hiroi no rondon wa ?
37 - hookinsu wa dokoda ?
38 - himitsu no sono yo sayônara
39 - mahô
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 39 Modify
01 - La ragazzina insofferente
02 - Mary la stizzosa
03 - Nessuno mi vuole bene
04 - Cosa c'č oltre quel muro ?
05 - E se succedesse davvero ?
06 - Perché tanti segreti ?
07 - Camilla
08 - La stella dei desideri
09 - La porta chiusa
10 - L'incontro
11 - Il bracconiere
12 - A palazzo non torno
13 - Un piccolo litigio
14 - Il giardino rubato
15 - Non č un sogno
16 - Il secondo segreto
17 - Quante cose da fare
18 - Ce la metterň tutta
19 - Colin č in pericolo ?
20 - La terapia degli animali
21 - Delusione
22 - Devi camminare
23 - All'aria aperta
24 - Voci dal camino
25 - Le missive segrete
26 - Nel giardino
27 - Il temporale
28 - Perché non si possono salvare ?
29 - Camilla non č una strega
30 - Abbasso la caccia
31 - Lasciateci soli
32 - Che cos'č la gelosia ?
33 - Amici per la pelle
34 - Un terribile presagio
35 - La fuga a Londra
36 - Londra č davvero enorme
37 - Dov'č Hawkins ?
38 - Addio giardino segreto
39 - Č quasi una magia


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Sweat ŕ capuche - Hauru
Sweat ŕ capuche - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
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