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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 49 Modify
01 - The Skywalking Superman
02 - Lonely Warrior
03 - Treachery of the Defense Force
04 - A Senseless Desertion in the Face of the Enemy
05 - Kill Me
06 - Tek Set Disabled
07 - The Launch of the Mobile Unit Pegas
08 - The Mysterious War Journalist
09 - Rescue ! The Jupiter Crew
10 - A Lullaby in the Flames of War
11 - D-Boy File
12 - The Red Terror, Evil
13 - The Destined Siblings
14 - A Devil Devides the Ties of Blood
15 - Demon God Reborn
16 - Portret of Treachery
17 - The Steel Savior
18 - The Price of Glory
19 - Warrior with a Caged Heart
20 - Resurrected, the Transformation
21 - A Feeling of Love and Death
22 - Miyuki's Decision
23 - Bloody Reunion
24 - Ripped Open Past
25 - New Demons
26 - Life Threatening Battle
27 - The Legacy
28 - The White Majin
29 - Flowers in the Battlefield
30 - A Father's Memory
31 - The Town of Vengeance
32 - A Girl, Forever Waiting
33 - Wilderness Reunion
34 - Siblings of Dark and Light
35 - Enemy in the Midst
36 - Bloody Battle ! Axe !
37 - Wearing Down, Mind and Body
38 - Labyrinth of Death
39 - Extreme Warrior Blastor
40 - The Fight and Love of Two
41 - Evil, Devil That Revives
42 - Collision ! The Red Foe !
43 - The Bullet of Separation
44 - The Approaching Darkness
45 - The True Colours of the Invaders
46 - The House Where Time Stood Still
47 - Fate of Darkness and Death
48 - Valiant ! Evil Dies
49 - The Burning Life
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 49 Modify
01 - Tenkakeru Chojin
02 - Kodoku no Senshi
03 - Boeigun no Yabo
04 - Riyu Naki Tekizen Tobo
05 - Ore o Korose
06 - Tekkusetto Funo
07 - Kedohei Pegasu Hasshin
08 - Nazo no Jugun Kisha
09 - Kyushutsu ! Mokusei Crew
10 - Senka ni Hibiku Komori Uta
11 - D-Boy Fairu
12 - Akai Senritsu Ebiru
13 - Shukumei no Kyodai
14 - Chi o Waketa Akuma
15 - Mashin Yomigaeru
16 - Uragiri no Shozo
17 - Kotetsu no Kyuseishu
18 - Eiko e no Diash
19 - Kokoro Tojita Senshi
20 - Fukushu ! Ikari no Henshin
21 - Ai to Shi no Yokan
22 - Miyuki no Ketsui
23 - Kizudarake no Saikai
24 - Hikisakareta Kako
25 - Aratanaru Akuma
26 - Shi o Kaketa Tatakai
27 - Nokorishimo e no Isan
28 - Shirow Majin
29 - Tatakai no Ya ni Hanatabo O
30 - Chichi no Omokage
31 - Fukushu no Machi
32 - Machiwabita Shojo
33 - Arano No Saikai
34 - Ko To Kage No Kyodai
35 - Kiri No Naka No Teki
36 - Kessen ! Axesu
37 - Shokuma Wa Ta Nikutai
38 - Shihe No Meikyu
39 - Chosenshi Balasutora
40 - Ai To Seni Ninin
41 - Eviru - Yomigaeru Akuma
42 - Gekitotsu ! Akai Shukuteki
43 - Kettsubertusu No Judan
44 - Hakuri Kuru Yami
45 - Shinjitsu No Shinryakusha
46 - Toki No Tamaatsuta Ie
47 - Yami To Shi No Ummei
48 - Soretsuna ! Eviru Shishu
49 - Moetsukiru Myo
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 42 Modify
01 - Amico o nemico ?
02 - Invasione
03 - La forza dei Cavalieri dello Spazio
04 - Una battaglia perduta
05 - Il tempo é scaduto !
06 - Cristallo in frantumi
07 - L’ultimatum
08 - Il giornalista
09 - Il convoglio
10 - Un soldato speciale
11 - Una nuova minaccia
12 - Guerra tra fratelli
13 - Contrasti in famiglia
14 - Una missione per Tina
15 - La spia
16 - Vaghi ricordi
17 - Colpo di scena
18 - Battaglia nello spazio
19 - Uomo o mostro ?
20 - Fratelli e sorelle
21 - Nuove armi
22 - Una vita appesa a un filo
23 - L’inizio di un incubo
24 - Il segreto di Shara
25 - Il sacrificio
26 - Cronaca di una guerra
27 - Guerriero in rosso
28 - Il generatore
29 - La tekno-trappola
30 - La lunga attesa
31 - Una vecchia conoscenza
32 - Il teknocristallo
33 - Il maestro e l’allievo
34 - Missione tra i ghiacci
35 - Pronto a rischiare
36 - Evoluzione
37 - Amnesia
38 - Metamorfosi
39 - Battaglia sull’anello spaziale
40 - L’ultima base di lancio
41 - L’inizio della fine
42 - La battaglia finale
List of the episodes - Poland Poland Number of episodes : 43 Modify
01 - Przyjaciel czy wróg
02 - Inwazja
03 - Siła Rycerzy Kosmosu
04 - Spadająca Gwiazda
05 - Czas minął
06 - Rozbity Kryształ
07 - Teknobot
08 - Flesz
09 - Konwój
10 - Śmiały żołnierz
11 - Strzeż się brata
12 - Braterska rywalizacja
13 - Rodzinny spór
14 - Saber atakuje
15 - Szpiegowska gra
16 - Miecz i Stal
17 - Gość
18 - Pole bitwy
19 - Odrodzenie
20 - Gra zmysłów
21 - Decyzja
22 - Znowu razem
23 - Początki
24 - Tajemnica Sary
25 - Nie zapomnij mnie
26 - Kronika
27 - Ratownik w czerwieni
28 - Na pustym baku
29 - Tekno-pułapka
30 - Panna na zamku
31 - Przemiana
32 - Pułapka Topora
33 - Topór atakuje
34 - Na lodzie
35 - Pół na pół
36 - Ewolucja
37 - Refleksja
38 - Utrata pamięci
39 - Metamorfoza
40 - Uderzenie Sword
41 - Bitwa o Kosmiczny Pierścień
42 - Początek końca
43 - Ostatnia bitwa


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Débardeur dos nageur - Ichigo
Débardeur dos nageur - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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