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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - Cynthia
02 - Le ruban du destin
03 - Willy je t'aime
04 - La maladie d'amour
05 - Les premiers championnats de Cynthia
06 - La victoire de Déborah
07 - Cynthia n'en fait qu'à sa tête
08 - Le tournoi de Corbeille
09 - Une championne bulgare
10 - Aller toujours plus loin
11 - Le monde est une jungle
12 - Le premier concert
13 - L'excursion
14 - Une mère anxieuse
15 - Le face à face
16 - En route vers la victoire
17 - L'important c'est de participer
18 - Confessions
19 - Ne jamais abandonner son rêve
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - Fahrkarte zur Meisterschaft
02 - Nervenkrieg
03 - Der erste Sieg
04 - Trainingslager
05 - Blinde Liebe
06 - Finale
07 - Es wird ernst
08 - Wieder zu Hause
09 - Dianas Abschied
10 - Unter falschem Namen
11 - Der Plattenvertrag
12 - Reingelegt
13 - Klassenreise
14 - Gefährlicher Sport
15 - Das Liebesgeständnis
16 - Das Sprungbrett
17 - Sieg oder Niederlage
18 - Die Aussprache
19 - Der Triumph
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - I want to chase...My rhythmic gymnastics
02 - Don't tear, ribbon ! Reach...for love
03 - Is it alright to like you ?
04 - Season of affections, I want to sing a love song
05 - Opening ceremony ! I want your support
06 - Resurrection of the Queen ! There is only one target
07 - If you fly towards your goal
08 - The continuing summer road to tomorrow
09 - Maria appears ! Who is the one who is chasing ?
10 - I want to see it further
11 - I no longer yearn for yesterday's smile
12 - Retrieve the dream that has been forgotten
13 - Heart-pumping moment at the baths ! ? The school trip which creates a stir in the heart
14 - Till we understand
15 - The same dream, the two rivals
16 - Unable to transcend ! The passport to glory
17 - Please stop time, overcome this moment !
18 - Overcome the shaking desire
19 - Please give me the strength to witness my dream
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - La speranza della ginnastica ritmica
02 - Il nastro del destino
03 - Willy ti voglio bene
04 - Mal d'amore
05 - La prima gara nazionale
06 - La vittoria di Debbie
07 - La massima aspirazione
08 - Una speranza per il futuro
09 - Una campionessa bulgara
10 - Sempre nuovi traguardi
11 - La vita è lotta
12 - Il sogno si realizza
13 - Una gita scolastica
14 - Una mamma in ansia
15 - Le due rivali
16 - Verso la gloria
17 - Il momento decisivo
18 - Confessioni
19 - Mai abbandonare il sogno
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - Aspirantes para gimnasia rítmica
02 - No te vayas, cinta del amor
03 - ¿No te importa que me gustes ?
04 - La época del amor no correspondido
05 - Empieza la competición nacional
06 - La victoria de Liliana
07 - La máxima aspiración
08 - Una esperanza para el futuro
09 - María, una nueva estrella de Bulgaria
10 - Mirando hacia el futuro
11 - No interesa la sonrisa de ayer
12 - Recupera los sueños olvidados
13 - Una excursión escolar
14 - Esperanza de comprensión
15 - Dos rivales con el mismo sueño
16 - El pasaporte a la gloria
17 - El momento decisivo
18 - El corazón agitado
19 - Convertir un sueño en realidad
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 19 Modify
01 - Oikakete mitai... watashi no shintaisou
02 - Kirenai de ribon ! koi ni... todoke
03 - Suki ni natte mo ii desu ka
04 - kataomoi no kisetsu. rabusongu ga utai tai
05 - Zenchuu taikai kaimaku ! watashi o sasaete ite hoshii
06 - Yomigaere joo ! Target wa hitori
07 - Akogare ni mukatte tobetara
08 - Ashita e to tsuduku natsu shoku no michi
09 - Maria toujou ! dareka o itsumo oikakete
10 - Motto tooku o mitsumetai
11 - Kinou no egao wa mou hoshikunai
12 - Okiwasureta yume o torimodose
13 - O furo de dokkiri ! ? mune sawagi no shuugakuryokou
14 - Itsuka wakari aeru toki made
15 - Miru yume mo onaji. ninin wa raibaru
16 - Watasenai ! eikou e no pasupooto
17 -Yyureru omoi o uketome te
18 - Jikan yo tomare. kono isshun ni kakeru !
19 - Yumemiru chikara o watashi ni kudasai


4 members have this series 4 members have this series


Tasse bicolore - Ichigo
Tasse bicolore - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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