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The pumpkin wine
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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 95 Modify
01 - Une rentrée mouvementée
02 - La corde au cou
03 - Théorème ou la rigueur des maths
04 - Parlons chiffons !
05 - Gare au toutou jaloux
06 - Fantômes et frissons
07 - Joyeux anniversaire
08 - Le secret
09 - Qui a peur du grand méchant loup ?
10 - Sus au mouchard
11 - La loi du talion
12 - La cassette
13 - Un petit démon
14 - Une nuit d'orage
15 - Un rival pour Sonny
16 - La course à la statue
17 - Mon rêve est le tien
18 - Un visiteur peu ordinaire
19 - Quoi ? Lydia serait-elle réellement la fiancée du professeur Théorème ?
20 - Faut-il soutenir les supporters
21 - Un chien borné
22 - Avec des "si"
23 - Baignade d'hiver
24 - Un coin de parapluie
25 - Un rendez-vous galant
26 - Un petit travail pour les vacances
27 - Lydia a disparu
28 - L'hypnotiseur hypnotisé
29 - Les joies du patinage
30 - Sonny se fait des cheveux
31 - Un drôle de dimanche
32 - Le château hanté
33 - La course de canoë
34 - Le petit chat
35 - Un métier inavouable
36 - Une rivale de Lydia
37 - Un après-midi romantique
38 - Princesse d'une nuit
39 - Lydia monte sur les planches
40 - Les liens puissants de l'amour
41 - L'oncle de Sonny
42 - Rien ne va plus chez les supporters
43 - Le temple
44 - Une princesse envahissante
45 - Sonny journaliste
46 - Mourir pour un escargot
47 - De surprise en surprise
48 - Un week-end en mer
49 - Un chat redoutable
50 - La fiancée
51 - Le fiancé de la princesse
52 - Le cousin Julius
53 - Une poupée pour Sonny
54 - La poupée de Sonny
55 - Lydia reçoit des lettres d'amour
56 - Une photographie compromettante
57 - La petite amie de Sonny
58 - Lydia, l'écriture et la photographie
59 - La tempête
60 - Le correspondant anonyme
61 - La mariée d'un jour
62 - Une fougue amoureuse
63 - L'homme à l'écharpe jaune
64 - Comment faire connaissance ?
65 - La soeur de Sonny
66 - Sonny n'est pas un voleur !
67 - Coups de tête
68 - Les enfants modèles
69 - J'ai embrassé un fantôme
70 - Le voyage à Hawaï
71 - Lydia a besoin d'un garde du corps
72 - La prédiction
73 - Amours d'enfance
74 - Week-end à l'île du diable
75 - Sonny immortalisé
76 - Le sosie de Lydia
77 - Nénuphar superstar
78 - Théorème démissionne
79 - Lydia animatrice de radio
80 - Notre déclaration d'indépendance
81 - C'est dûr d'être parents
82 - Romantique malgré lui
83 - Il faut sauver le club !
84 - Substitution
85 - Une question de jours
86 - Le hoquet
87 - Le journal intime
88 - Le nouveau père de Sonny
89 - Julius est-il un bon parti ?
90 - Un examen de mathématique assez particulier !
91 - Les roues de l'infortune
92 - L'anniversaire de Madame Astrobald
93 - Voyage scolaire
94 - Lydia est en danger
95 - Rien ne va plus !
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 95 Modify
01 - I am a man ! Aoba Shunsuke
02 - Me and that person's necktie relationship
03 - What ! 70 points and below ?
04 - Mortifying and embarrasing, trade of the family
05 - There's something even more scarier than Eru
06 - The night just for the two of us
07 - Sweet yet tiring, the present strategy
08 - A man's secret is revealed
09 - The way it is, Ryo-san
10 - Reclaim Eru's bikini !
11 - Who is Dekkin's spy ! ?
12 - I communicate my feelings through the love casette
13 - The angel arrives
14 - The stormy night with her
15 - Chase my love rival away !
16 - I die in the hands of girl power
17 - My dream, his dream
18 - Man or woman ! ? The senior ghost
19 - What, Eru is getting married to Dekkin ! ?
20 - A song from L to S
21 - A kiss that is seen by him
22 - It is my blunder to make her cry
23 - Our dip in the ice pool
24 - It snows under the umbrella
25 - Me and Eru's date
26 - Happy birthday to our part-time job
27 - What ! Eru is gone ! ?
28 - Close encounter through hypnosis ! !
29 - Our dance
30 - The day I become a woman
31 - Our baby !
32 - I call for Eru in the Devil Musuem
33 - I bet my date on a canoe race
34 - The guy who interferes !
35 - It has been discovered ! ? The woman's castle
36 - Eru fights with the ladies
37 - The princess who suddenly appears on that day
38 - Love Love Love, ticket just for the two of us
39 - Ramen or Eru ? This is the problem ! !
40 - Handcuffs of love that binds the two of us
41 - Oh no ! Eru takes off her skirt
42 - Love call of the princess and Eru
43 - The marriage ticket that is pasted on the hip
44 - You see the moon and the princess when you open the window
45 - Coverage of Eru's secret ! !
46 - Let me die together with Eru
47 - Gene driver ! His feelings
48 - I cannot speak to anyone about the night's event
49 - Our sweet home
50 - What ! I am engaged ! ?
51 - The night where we can see the stars
52 - I want to become the ideal man of Eru
53 - The substitute who embraced Eru
54 - The dressing models for me and Eru
55 - The love letter that Eru threw away
56 - The secret photo that cannot be seen by others
57 - Eru's chest ! The time capsule
58 - Shock ! Eru's nude photo
59 - First kiss in the storm
60 - What ! ! Eru's panty information
61 - Our marriage apartment
62 - Quiting school together with Eru
63 - Eru seeks SOS in hotel ! !
64 - Coming closer ! ! Girl A
65 - Do not enter ! ! Saturday night
66 - What, you want a baby ! ?
67 - A sudden separation ! ! Me and Eru
68 - I cannot part with Eru
69 - Oh no ! I kissed a ghost
70 - Bikini and her and a trip to Hawaii
71 - Eru is assualted in the middle of the night !
72 - The love prophecy that tears them apart
73 - An outdoor hotsping with my first love
74 - Me and Eru's hotline
75 - Dekkin's recognition of our time
76 - Eru's sudden makeover ! !
77 - What ! Nita's name is Aoba Shunsuke
78 - Hurray ! Dekkin quits
79 - Eru's love love jockey
80 - Our solitary promise
81 - Me and Eru's child
82 - It is a man's disgrace to be unable to commicate to Eru
83 - Our Dokkiri bait
84 - Eru is married !
85 - Aoba bath under the night sky
86 - I strive to study
87 - It would be problematic if my love diary is to be seen
88 - What ! Tekkin's my father ! ?
89 - I am not a man if I do not strip off my shorts
90 - I undergo the terrifying date naked
91 - Let me be with Eru before I faint !
92 - I love you ! Eru
93 - The study trip, just the two of us
94 - His undergarment is made in Italy
95 - Goodbye ! Sunshine School
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 95 Modify
01 - ore wa otoko da ! aoba haru suke
02 - ore to aitsu no nekutai kankei
03 - nanu ! ! 70 ten ika wa kuzu da ?
04 - kuyashi hazu ka shi wagaya no shoobai
05 - eru yori kowai mono ga aru
06 - futarikkiri no yoru nante
07 - amaku te tsurai ze purezento sakusen
08 - mi rare te tamaru ka otoko no himitsu
09 - burikko wa nai ze ryoochoo san
10 - eru no bikini o torikaese !
11 - tekkin no supai wa dare da ! ?
12 - rabu kasetto ni omoi o kome te
13 - burikko tenshi ga yatteki ta
14 - ore to aitsu no arashi no ichiya
15 - koi no raibaru buttobase
16 - gyaru.pawaa de moo shini soo
17 - ore no yume aitsu no yume
18 - otoko ka onna ka ! ? oni no senpai
19 - nanu, eru ga tekkin to konyaku ! ?
20 - L kara S e no ooen ka
21 - aitsu ni mi rare ta shiri no kizu
22 - aitsu o nakase ta doji na ore !
23 - ore to aitsu no kanchuu suiei
24 - aiaigasa ni yuki ga furu
25 - ore to eru to no deeto gokko
26 - futari no baito wa happii.baasudee
27 - gaan ! eru ga kie ta ! ?
28 - saimin jutsu de dai sekkin ! !
29 - ore to aitsu no aisu dansu
30 - ore ga onna ni natta hi
31 - ore to aitsu no bebii shitta a !
32 - akuma no kan de eru ga yobu
33 - deeto o kake ta kanuu.reesu
34 - nyanto mo shakunisawaru yatsu !
35 - tsuini bareru ka ! ? onna no shiro
36 - eru wa onna de shoobu suru
37 - aru hi totsuzen ohimesama
38 - raburabu ai no ni ninkkiri ken
39 - raamen ka eru ka ? sore ga mondai da ! !
40 - futari o tsunagu ai no tejoo
41 - giku ! ! eru ga sukaato o nui da ! !
42 - hime to eru to no rabukooru
43 - hippu ni hatta kekkon kippu
44 - mado o ake tara kagu ya hime
45 - eru no himi tsu o micchaku shuzai ! !
46 - eru to issho ni shin de morai masu
47 - jiin to ki ta ze ! aitsu no omoi
48 - dare ni mo ie nai yachuu no dekigoto
49 - ore tachi 2 nin no suiitohoomu
50 - nanu ! ! ore ga konyaku shi te tatte ! ?
51 - hoshi ni mi rare ta ni nin no yoru
52 - eru o mezashi te otoko ni nare
53 - eru ni idaka re ta ore no migawari
54 - ore to eru to no kise kae gokko
55 - eru o nuga se ta raburetaa
56 - tanin ni wa mise nai ○ shashin
57 - eru ga mune kyun ! taimu kapuseru
58 - shokku ! eru no nuudo shashin
59 - arashi no naka no faasuto.kissu
60 - nanu ! ! ! eru no panti joohoo
61 - futarikkiri no shinkon apaato
62 - eru to 2 nin de kake ochi shugyoo
63 - eru ga hoteru de SOS ! !
64 - kyuu sekkin ! ! shoojo A
65 - tachiirikinshi ! ! doyoo no yoru
66 - nanua akachan ga hoshiku natta ! ?
67 - tsuini zekkoo ! ! ore to eru
68 - eru o katte ni nugaseru na !
69 - zoo ! ! yuurei to kissu o shi ta
70 - bikini no aitsu to hawai ryokoo
71 - eru ga yachuu ni osowa reru !
72 - ni nin o hiki saku koi uranai
73 - hatsukoi dooshi no rotenburo
74 - ore to eru to no hottorain
75 - tekkin koonin futari no jikan
76 - eru ga totsuzen dai henshin ! !
77 - nanu ! ! nita no na wa aoba haru suke
78 - banzaai ! tekkin ga yameru
79 - eru no rabu.rabu. jokkii
80 - ore tachi ni nin no dokuritsu sengen
81 - ore to eru to no kosodate gokko
82 - eru ni todoku na otoko no haji
83 - ore tachi ni nin no dokkiribaito
84 - eru ga kekkon shi chatta a !
85 - yozora no aoba yu, tsuki mizukane
86 - ore ga benkyoo ni mezameru toki
87 - mi rare cha komaru raburabu nikki
88 - nanu ! ! tekkin ga ore no oyaji ! ?
89 - pantsu o nuga nakya otoko ja nai
90 - hadaka de ukeru kyoofu no tesuto
91 - ore to eru to ga shisshin sunzen !
92 - ai.rabu.yuu ! eru
93 - ni nin dake no shuugakuryokoo
94 - aitsu no shitagi wa itarii sei
95 - saraba ! sanshaingakuen


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