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List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Tenshi no Kioku
02 - Yami no Kemono
03 - Element School
04 - Hadashi no senshi
05 - Chika meikyuu no ou
06 - Omoi kanata e
07 - Shinku no bara no kishi
08 - Hajimete no gattai
09 - Yume no kayohiji
10 - Sora ni hoshi, chi ni hana
11 - Suitei no shiawase
12 - Kohaku no toki
13 - Ichiman nisen nen no RABU RETA
14 - Hikaru Kage
15 - Hatsuren no AKUERION
16 - Kuroi Kagami
17 - Tabetakute Gattai
18 - Tamashii no Cosplayer
19 - Kegarenaki Itazura
20 - Ten no Hane Oto
21 - Kurenai Michi
22 - Mienai Tsubasa
23 - Tsubasa, Hakanaku
24 - Tenkuu no Gate
25 - Kessen ! ! Atlantis
26 - Sekai no Hajimari no Hi
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Memories of Heavenly Wings
02 - Beast of Darkness
03 - Element School
04 - Barefoot Warrior
05 - King of the Underground Labyrinth
06 - To the Other Side of Emotions
07 - Knight of the Crimson Rose
08 - The First Merge
09 - The Path to Dreams
10 - Stars in the Sky, Flowers on the Ground
11 - Happiness is at the Bottom of the Lake
12 - The Time of Amber
13 - A 12,000-Year-Old Love Letter
14 - Shining Shadows
15 - Aquarion’s First Love
16 - Black Mirror
17 - Merge to Eat
18 - Cosplay of the Soul
19 - Mischief without Malice
20 - Sound of an Angel's Feather
21 - Crimson Path
22 - Wings Unseen
23 - Fleeting Wings
24 - Heaven's Gate
25 - Final Battle ! Atlandia
26 - The Day the World Begins
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - I ricordi dell'angelo
02 - La bestia delle tenebre
03 - La scuola degli elementi
04 - Il guerriero scalzo
05 - Il re del labirinto sotterraneo
06 - I pensieri oltre l'orizzonte
07 - Il cavaliere della rosa scarlatta
08 - La prima fusione
09 - Il sentiero dei sogni
10 - Le stelle in cielo i fiori sulla terra
11 - La felicità sul fondo del lago
12 - L'età dell'ambra
13 - Una lettera d'amore lunga 12.000 anni
14 - L'ombra luminosa
15 - Il primo amore dell'Aquarion
16 - Lo specchio nero
17 - La fusione per poter mangiare
18 - Cosplayer dell'anima
19 - Uno scherzo innocente
20 - Il suono delle ali degli angeli
21 - La via rossa
22 - Le ali invisibili
23 - Le ali effimere
24 - La porta del cielo
25 - La battaglia finale
26 - La rinascita
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Die Erinnerung an die himmlischen Flügel
02 - Das Tier der Dunkelheit
03 - Elementschule
04 - Barfüssiger Krieger
05 - Der König des Untergrundlabyrinths
06 - Gefühle in der Weite
07 - Ritter der dunkelroten Rose
08 - Erste Vereinigung
09 - Pfad der Träume
10 - Sterne am Himmel, Blumen auf der Erde
11 - Glückseligkeit auf dem Grund des Sees
12 - Bernstein der Zeit
13 - Ein 12,000 Jahre alter Liebesbrief !
14 - Leuchtender Schatten
15 - Aquarions erste Liebe
16 - Schwarzer Spiegel
17 - Wir vereinen uns, weil wir essen wollen
18 - Cosplayer der Seele
19 - Unschuldiger Bengel
20 - Der Klang eines Engels Feder
21 - Purpurner Pfad
22 - Die Flügel die man nicht sieht
23 - Flugel, vergeblich
24 - Des Himmels Tor
25 - Kampf ! ! Atlantis
26 - Der Tag wann die Welt beginnt


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Veste training homme - Hauru
Veste training homme - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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