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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 126 Modify
001 - The Magic Bag
002 - Into Outer Space
003 - Abominable Snowman
004 - Felix Out West
005 - Felix the Cat Suit
006 - Electronic Brainwasher
007 - Do-It-Yourself Monster Book
008 - Blubberino the Whale
009 - Ghostly Concert
010 - Captain No-Kiddin'
011 - Felix in Egypt
012 - Detective Thinking Hat
013 - Balloon Blower Machine
014 - Friday the 13th
015 - Stone Making Machine
016 - Penelope the Elephant
017 - The Money Tree
018 - Oil and Indians Don't Mix
019 - The Glittering Jewels
020 - The Gold Car and County Fair
021 - Sheriff Felix vs. the Gas Cloud
022 - Felix's Gold Mine
023 - How to Steal a Gold Mine ?
024 - Private Eye Felix and Pierre Mustache
025 - The Gold Fruit Tree
026 - The Flying Saucer
027 - Felix Baby-Sits
028 - Instant Money
029 - Master Cylinder-King of the Moon
030 - The Invisible Professor
031 - Venus and the Master Cylinder
032 - The Termites of 1960
033 - Moo Moo Island Oysters
034 - The Mouse and Felix
035 - King Neptune's S.O.S.
036 - Relax-a-Lawn Chair
037 - The African Diamond Affair
038 - Felix's Prize Garden
039 - Finally, The Magic Bag is Mine !
040 - Felix and the Rhinoceros
041 - Felix-Finder and the Ghost Town
042 - Snoopascope, A Magic Bag of Tricks
043 - Stone Age Felix
044 - The Gold Silkworms
045 - Felix and Vavoom
046 - The Jubilee Dime
047 - Movie Star Felix
048 - Youth Water
049 - Game Warden Felix
050 - Master Cylinder Captures Poindexter
051 - Atomic Drive Explosion of Master Cylinder
052 - Supertoy
053 - The Jewel Bird
054 - The Atomic Rocket Fuel
055 - The Hairy Berry Bush
056 - General Clang and the Secret Rocket Fuel
057 - The Rajah's Elephants
058 - The Exchanging Machine
059 - The Leprechaun
060 - The Master Cylinder's Spacegram
061 - The Leprechaun's Gold
062 - Felix and the Mid-Evil Ages
063 - The Capturing of the Leprechaun King
064 - Martin the Martian Meets Felix the Cat
065 - The Professor's Committed No Crime !
066 - The Martian Rescue
067 - The Portable Closet
068 - Redbeard the Pirate
069 - A Museum, The Professor, and Rock Bottom
070 - The Professor's Instant Changer
071 - The Vacation Mirage
072 - Cat-Napped
073 - The Sea Monster and Felix
074 - The Diamond Tree
075 - King of the Leprechauns
076 - The Magic Apples
077 - Oysters and Starfishes
078 - The Haunted House
079 - Gold Digger Vavoom
080 - The Wizard and Sir Rock
081 - The Coal Diamonds
082 - Out West with Big Brownie
083 - Love-Sick Squirt Gun
084 - Mechanical Felix
085 - The Ski Jump
086 - Felix and the Beanstalk
087 - The Milky Way
088 - The Super Rocket Formula
089 - The Weather Maker
090 - The Giant Magnet
091 - The Instant Truck Melter
092 - The Pep Pill
093 - Leprechaun Gold from Rainbows
094 - The Magnetic Ray
095 - The Instant Grower
096 - The Professor's Ancestor ? The Wizard
097 - Luring the Magic Bag of Tricks
098 - The Uranium Discovery
099 - Chief Standing Bull
100 - The Strongest Robot in the World
101 - Stairway to the Stars
102 - Cleaning House
103 - Vavoom Learns How to Fish
104 - The Golden Nugget
105 - The Genie
106 - Felix and Poindexter Out West
107 - The Bad Genie
108 - The Rajah's Zoo
109 - The Loan Business
110 - A Treasure Chest
111 - The Essence of Money
112 - Mercury's Winged Sandals
113 - The $10,000 Vacation
114 - Brother Pebble Bottom
115 - The North Pole and a Walrus Hunt
116 - Cleopatra's Beauty Secrets
117 - The Trip Back from the North Pole
118 - The Golden Whale Baby-Sitter
119 - North Pole Jail Hole
120 - Felix the Handyman
121 - Public Enemies Number One and Two
122 - Horse Thieves
123 - Adventures of Felix
124 - Felix the Cat Bottles the Genie
125 - Felix the Cat Finds the Golden Bug
126 - Felix the Cat Finds a Genie


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