List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - Beautiful Agent
02 - Naked Missions
03 - Take Off Position
04 - A Flower Blooming In Space
05 - The Golden Delmo Operation
06 - Delmo Operation: White Silver
07 - Break The Decisive Battle! Delmo Base ! |
List of the episodes - Italy  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - Beatiful agent
02 - Naked mission
03 - Take off position
04 - Il fiore che sboccia nel cielo
05 - Operazione delmo d'oro
06 - Operazione delmo bianche
07 - Lo scontro decisivo ! Attacco alla base delmo |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
1 - Beautiful Agent
2 - Naked Missions
3 - Take Off Position
4 - A Flower Blooming In Space
5 - The Golden Delmo Operation
6 - Delmo Operation: White Silver
7 - Break The Decisive Battle! Delmo Base!
List of the episodes - Germany  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - Die Schöne Agentin
02 - Ungeschützt in nackter Mission
03 - Abflugposition
04 - Blumen im Weltall
05 - Die Strategie der Golden Delmos
06 - Die Operation der Golden Delmos
07 - Entscheidungsschlacht auf dem Delmo-Stützpunkt |
List of the episodes - Spain  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - Trial 1. Una Bella Agente
02 - Trial 2. Misiones Desnudas
03 - Trial 3. Posición de Despegue
04 - Trial 4. Floreciendo en el espacio
05 - Trial 5. Operación Delmo Dorado
06 - Trial 6. Operación Delmo Blanco plateado
07 - Trial 7. La batalla decisiva en la base Delmo |
List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - utsukushiki eejento
04 - uchuu (sora) ni saku hana
05 - ougon no derumo sakusen
06 - hakugin no derumo sakusen
07 - kessen totsunyuu ! derumo kichi ! ! |
List of the episodes - Russia  |
Number of episodes : 7 |
01 - Испытание 1 - Прекрасный агент
02 - Испытание 2 - Оголенная миссия
03 - Испытание 3 - Захват Позиции
04 - Испытание 4 - Цветение цветка в космосе
05 - Испытание 5 - Операция "Золотой делмо"
06 - Испытание 6 - Операция Делмо "Серебряный цвет"
07 - Испытание 7 - Перерыв в решающей битве на базе Делмо |