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こけももF の冒険

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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Huck est accusé de vol
02 - Un retour inattendu
03 - Le père de Huck
04 - L'évasion
05 - Jim et Huck se retrouvent
06 - La chasse à l'homme
07 - Le naufrage
08 - Jim se fait prendre
09 - Comment libérer Jim ?
10 - Une nuit mouvementée
11 - Les Grangerfords
12 - L'échange
13 - Huck se révolte
14 - La réconciliation
15 - Le ferry de Katherine
16 - Susie
17 - Goe le bison
18 - La magie noire
19 - Le médicament
20 - Hanck et Doris
21 - Le roi et le duc
22 - L'héritage
23 - La révélation
24 - Le roi vend Jim
25 - L'évasion
26 - La liberté
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Homeless Huck
02 - A Scary Father
03 - Log Cabin in a Secluded Wood
04 - Huck's Great Escape
05 - Death of Father
06 - A Sure Handshake
07 - Thieves are Human Too
08 - Jim in Danger
09 - Mission to Rescue Jim
10 - Huck Wanders into a House
11 - Don't Shoot Hearney !
12 - A Gentlemen's Agreement
13 - After the Fight
14 - In the Mist
15 - Huck Protects the Delivery
16 - Illusive Mother
17 - Boys in the Wild
18 - Jim's Prediction
19 - Run, Huck
20 - $3 Fare
21 - The King and the Count
22 - A Grandfather from England
23 - Mary Smiles
24 - Jim is Sold
25 - Escape, Jim
26 - Huck Arrives Back Home
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Nella grotta dei pirati
02 - Il ritorno del padre
03 - La capanna nella foresta
04 - Viva la libertà
05 - Il temporale
06 - Amici
07 - Il relitto
08 - Dov'è Jim ?
09 - I cacciatori di taglie
10 - Benvenuto in casa Grangeford
11 - La contesa
12 - La pace è lontana
13 - Vince l'amore
14 - Al lavoro !
15 - Non stuzzicare un pel di carota
16 - La ricerca di Susie
17 - Albert e il bufalo
18 - Storie di fantasmi
19 - Catturato di nuovo
20 - Buoni Samaritani
21 - Il re e il duca
22 - Due gentiluomini inglesi
23 - I veri zii
24 - Hanno venduto Jim
25 - Di nuovo in fuga
26 - Libertà
List of the episodes - Poland Poland Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - W złodziejskiej kryjówce
02 - Powrót ojca
03 - Więzienie
04 - Ucieczka
05 - Znaki burzy
06 - Wspaniała przyjaźń
07 - Bandyci na wraku
08 - Gdzie jest Jim ?
09 - Łowcy nagród
10 - Huck Grangerford
11 - Waśnie i zmartwienia
12 - Huck chce zaprowadzić pokój
13 - Zwycięstwo prawdziwej miłości
14 - Wspaniały interes
15 - Nie zaczynaj z rudzielcem
16 - Suzie szuka mamy
17 - Uwaga bizony
18 - Cmentarne czary
19 - Znowu w niewoli
20 - Dobry uczynek
21 - Król i książę
22 - Dwaj dżentemeni z Anglii
23 - Prawdziwi wujowie
24 - Zmowa przeciwko Jimowi
25 - Jim w kajdanach
26 - Słodkie słowo - wolność
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Yado nashi hakku
02 - Kowai otousan
03 - Mishiranu mori no maruta koya
04 - Hakku no dasshutsu daisakusen
05 - Otousan no shi
06 - Tashikanaru akushu
07 - Dorobou datte ningen da
08 - Jimu ayaushi
09 - Jimu kyuusjutsu daisakusen
10 - Hakku ga mayoikonda ie
11 - Haaniisan wo utsuna !
12 - Otoko no yakusoku
13 - Arasoi no owari
14 - Kiri no naka
15 - Watashi wo mamotta hakku
16 - Maboroshi no okaasan
17 - Kouya no shounen tachi
18 - Jimu no omajinai
19 - Hashire hakku
20 - 3doru no kouka
21 - Ousama to koushaku
22 - Igirisu kara kita sofusan
23 - Hohoenda mearii
24 - Urareta jimu
25 - Nigero jimu
26 - Kaette kita hakku
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Huck Desabrigado
02 - Um Pai assustador
03 - Cabana de Madeira em uma Madeira Isolada
04 - A Grande Escapada de Huck
05 - A Morte do Pai
06 - O Claro Aperto de Mão
07 - Ladrões são Humanos Também
08 - Jim Está em Perigo
09 - O Salvamento de Jim
10 - Huck Vagueia pela Casa
11 - Não Atire Hearney !
12 - Um Acordo de Cavalheiros
13 - Após a Luta
14 - Na Neblina
15 - Huck Proteja a Entrega
16 - Mãe Ilusória
17 - Meninos Selvagens
18 - A Previsão de Jim
19 - Corra, Huck
20 - 3 Tarifas
21 - O Rei e o Conde
22 - Um Avô da Inglaterra
23 - Mary Sorria
24 - Jim é Vendido
25 - Escape, Jim
26 - Huck de Volta ao Lar


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