List of the episodes - France |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Bara suishou, Rose de cristal
02 - Enju
03 - Kanaria
04 - Un pacte
05 - La lettre
06 - Un ange
07 - Une partie de thé
08 - Le maître des marionnettes
09 - Avertissement
10 - Tomoe
11 - Jardin de roses
12 - Alice
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Rose Crystal - Rozenkristall
02 - Longevity
03 - Kanaria - Kanarienvogel
04 - Contract - Vereinbarung
05 - Letter - Der Brief
06 - Angel - Engel
07 - Tea Party - Teegesellschaft
08 - Doll Maker - Puppenmacher
09 - The Admonition - Der Tadel
10 - Tomoe
11 - Rose Garden - Rosengarten
12 - Alice |
List of the episodes - Japan |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Bara Suishou - Rozenkristall
02 - Enju
03 - Kanaria - Kanarienvogel
04 - Keiyaku - Vereinbarung
05 - Tegami - Der Brief
06 - Tenshi - Engel
07 - Chakai - Teegesellschaft
08 - Ningyoushi - Puppenmacher
09 - Kai - Der Tadel
10 - TomoE
11 - Baraen - Rosengarten
12 - Alice |
List of the episodes - Germany |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Rozenkristall
02 - Langlebigkeit
03 - Kanarienvogel
04 - Vereinbarung
05 - Der Brief
06 - Engel
07 - Teegesellschaft
08 - Puppenmacher
09 - Der Tadel
10 - Tomoe
11 - Rosengarten
12 - Mädchen~Alice |
List of the episodes - Spain |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Rosa de Cristal
02 - Enju
03 - Canaria
04 - Un Acuerdo
05 - Una Carta
06 - Ángel
07 - La Fiesta del Té
08 - Maestro creador de muñecas
09 - La Culpa
10 - Tomoe
11 - El Jardín de las Rosas
12 - Alicia |
List of the episodes - Italy |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Cristallo di Rosa
02 - Enju
03 - Canarino
04 - Contratto
05 - La Lettera
06 - Angelo
07 - Festa
08 - Il Costruttore di Bambole
09 - Biasimo
10 - Tomoe
11 - Giardino di Rose
12 - Alice |
List of the episodes - Portugal |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Rosa de Cristal
02 - Enju
03 - Canário
04 - Contrato
05 - A Carta
06 - Anjo
07 - A Festa do Chá
08 - Criador de Bonecas
09 - A Advertência
10 - Tomoe
11 - Jardim das Rosas
12 - Alice |
List of the episodes - Russia |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Барасуисё
02 - Эндзю
03 - Канария
04 - Контракт
05 - Письмо
06 - Ангел
07 - Чаепитие
08 - Кукольный мастер
09 - Упрек
10 - Томоэ
11 - Сад роз
12 - Алиса |
List of the episodes - Finland |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Barasuisho / Ruusukristalli
02 - Enju
03 - Kanaria / Kanarialintu
04 - Sopimus
05 - Kirje
06 - Enkeli
07 - Teekutsut
08 - Nukentekijä
09 - Nuhtelu
10 - Tomoe
11 - Ruusutarha
12 - Neitokainen |
List of the episodes - Poland |
Number of episodes : 12 |
01 - Kryształowa Róża
02 - Enju
03 - Kanarek
04 - Kontrakt
05 - List
06 - Anioł
07 - Towarzyska Herbatka
08 - Lalkarz
09 - Ostrzeżenie
10 - Tomoe
11 - Różany Ogród
12 - Alicja |