List of the episodes - Germany |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Spinnen x Leichen x Täuschung
02 - Freundeskreis x Verkleidungen x Höllenspitzel
03 - Verfolgungsjagd x Entkommen x Spinnen auf der Flucht
04 - Geisel x Bedeutungslose Insekten x Übertragene Emotionen
05 - Bericht x Dunkelheit x entfesselte Ketten
06 - Streit x Untergang x Schwingende Fäuste
07 - Austausch x Rache x Disziplinkette
08 - Bedachtsamkeit x Hoffnungslosigkeit x Der Untergang der Spinne ! |
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Spider x Corpse x Fake
02 - Friends x Costumes x Hell's Ear
03 - Pursuit x Escape x Spiders on the Run
04 - Hostages x Insignificant Bugs x Communicated Emotions
05 - Report x Darkness x Released Chain
06 - Dispute x Breakup x Swinging Fist
07 - Exchange x Revenge x Discipline Chain
08 - Thoughtfulness x Hopelessness x The Spider's Downfall |
List of the episodes - Japan |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Kumo x Shitai x Feiku
02 - Hakama x Hensou x Jigoku Mimi
03 - Tsuiseki x Toubou x Hashiridashita Kumo
04 - Hitojichi x Mushikera x Tsutawatta Omoi
05 - Jihou x Kurayami x Hanatareta Kusari
06 - Chouhatsu x Bunretsu x Furiageta Kobushi
07 - Koushou x Fukushuu x Rissuru Kusari
08 - Omoi x Dannen x Hikisakareto Kumo |
List of the episodes - France |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Araignée X Cadavre X Illusions
02 - Amis X Costumes X Ouïe infernale
03 - Poursuite X Echappée X Araignée en marche
04 - Otages X Bugs insignifiants X Communication d'émotions
05 - Signal X Obscurité X Chaîne en action
06 - Dispute X Dissolution X Poings massacreurs
07 - Echange X Revanche X Chaîne du jugement
08 - Méditation X Désespoir X La chute de la Brigade |
List of the episodes - Italy |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Il Ragno x Vittime x Amicizia
02 - Amici x Travestimenti x Missione
03 - Appostamento x Imprevisto x Pericolo
04 - Ostaggi x Vendette x Codici
05 - Pakunoda x Dubbio x Dilemma
06 - Provocazione x Litigio x Pugno alzato
07 - Prigionieri x Trattativa x Rivincita
08 - Ricordi x Sentimenti x Una nuova vita |
List of the episodes - Portugal |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - Aranha × Cadáveres × Farsa
02 - Amigos × Disfarces × Audição infernal
03 - Perseguição × Fuga × Aranhas em fuga
04 - Refém × Insetos insignificantes × Sentimentos transmitidos
05 - Relatório × Escuridão × Corrente libertada
06 - Disputa × Separação × Punho instável
07 - Troca × Vingança × Corrente dominadora
08 - Sentimento × Sem esperança × A ruína da aranha |
List of the episodes - Spain |
Number of episodes : 8 |
01 - La Araña x Cadáveres x Engaños.
02 - Amigos x Disfraz x Oídos Agudos.
03 - Persecución x Escape x La Araña Comienza a Correr.
04 - Rehenes x Escoria de la Humanidad x Mensaje Enviado.
05 - Radio x Señal x Oscuridad.
06 - Provocación x Dimisión x El Puño Levantado.
07 - Negociación x Venganza x La Cadena que Sujeta.
08 - Memoria x Sentimientos x Deambular por la Vida |