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List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - Il segreto della nascita
02 - La casa abbandonata
03 - La mano strisciante
04 - Il tempio del vampiro
05 - Terrore in città
06 - La palude della mummia
07 - Il gobbo immortale
08 - La sirenetta
09 - Lo specchio del rancore
10 - La valle maledetta
11 - La foresta misteriosa
12 - Lo scultore misterioso
13 - Il mistero del mistero
14 - La torre maledetta
15 - La sorgente stregata
16 - La città dei fantasmi
17 - Il trucco del diavolo
18 - Il demonio mascherato
19 - Il manichino criminale
20 - L'aspirazione di vedere
21 - Il fantasma chiama Bero
22 - La parrucca incantata
23 - La nave spettro
24 - La candela del diavolo
25 - Uno + uno = Bera
26 - Il trionfo della giustizia
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 26 Modify
01 - The freight train of terror
02 - The stairs of the crawling hand
03 - The town of the dead
04 - The hunchback's soul
05 - The mannequin's head
06 - The demon named rohsoku
07 - The cursed ghost ship
08 - The temple of vampires
09 - The weeping witch
10 - The monster doctor from the graveyard
11 - The mirror of grudge
12 - The shadow island of fear
13 - The swamp of the mummies
14 - The bizzare forest
15 - The cursed eyeball
16 - The monstor of the mountain cottage
17 - The strange happening in the museum
18 - The mysterious carver
19 - The curse of the forsaken well
20 - Jack o' lantern of the steel tower
21 - The grudgeful hair
22 - The gate of the dead
23 - The demon's make up
24 - The demon with a human face
25 - The ghost that calls for Bero
26 - The cave of the deceased
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 28 Modify
01 - kyōfu no kamotsuressha
02 - kaidan wo hau tekubi
03 - shi bitono machi
04 - semushi otoko no nin tamashii
05 - manekin ningyō no kubi
06 - akuma norōsoku
07 - noroi no yūreisen
08 - kyūketsuki no tera
09 - susuri naku onibaba
10 - hakaba no yōkai hakase
11 - urami no kagami
12 - kyōfu no kuro kage shima
13 - miira no numa
14 - kaiki no mori
15 - nerawa reta medama
16 - sansō no yōki
17 - hakubutsukan no yō ki
18 - nazo no chōkokuka
19 - furuido no noroi
20 - tettō no onibi
21 - urami no kaminoke
22 - shisha no mon
23 - akuma no keshō
24 - jinmen no akki
25 - bero wo yobu yūrei
26 - mōja no horaana
27 - L'olmo che chiama sangue -
28 - Il Mostro della città innevata


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Débardeur dos nageur - Mononoke
Débardeur dos nageur - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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