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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meister
03 - The Changing World
04 - Foreign Negotiations
05 - Breakaway Limit Zone
06 - Seven Swords
07 - Unrewarding Spirit
08 - Indiscriminate Retaliation
09 - The Dignity of a Great Nation
10 - Operation Gundam Capture
11 - Allelujah
12 - Toward a Doctrine's Result
13 - The Return of a Saint
14 - The Decisive Morning
15 - Broken Wings
16 - Trinity
17 - Thrones Assault
18 - Malicious Target
19 - Bonds
20 - Blade Of Revolution
21 - Road to Ruin
22 - Transam
23 - The World Stopped
24 - Endless Poem
25 - Setsuna
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meister
03 - Kawaru Sekai
04 - Taigai Sesshou
05 - Genkai Ridatsu Ryouiki
06 - Seven Swords
07 - Mukuwareru Tamashii
08 - Musabetsu Houfuku
09 - Taikoku no Ishin
10 - Gandamu Rokaku Sakusen
11 - Trinity
12 - Kyougi no Hate ni
13 - Seija no Kikan
14 - Ketsui no Asa
15 - Oreta Tsubasa
16 - Trinity
17 - Suroone Kyoushuu
18 - Akui no Hokosaki
19 - Kizuna
20 - Henkaku no Yaiba
21 - Horobi no Michi
22 - Toranzamu
23 - Sekai wo Tomete
24 - Owari naki Uta
25 - Setsuna
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meister
03 - Eine Welt verändert sich !
04 - Vorsichtige Verhandlungen.
05 - Der Kritische Punkt
06 - Sieben Schwerter
07 - Unbezahlbare Seele
08 - Unüberlegte Vergeltung
09 - Die Würde eines großen Landes
10 - Operation Gundam Einfangen
11 - Allelujah
12 - Am Ende des Glaubens
13 - Die Rückkehr des Beschützers
14 - Schicksalhafter Morgen
15 - Gebrochene Flügel
16 - Trinity
17 - Angriff der Thrones
18 - Die Spitze des Bösen
19 - Bindungen
20 - Das Schwert der Revolution
21 - Der Weg in den Abgrund
22 - Trans-Am
23 - Die Welt steht still
24 - Ein endloses Lied
25 - Setsuna
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meister
03 - Un monde en mutation
04 - Pourparlers d'indépendance
05 - Le point de non-retour
06 - Seven swords
07 - Vague à l'âme
08 - Châtiment aveugle
09 - Le prestige d'une nation
10 - La capture du Gundam
11 - Allelujah
12 - La fin de la doctrine
13 - Le retour du saint homme
14 - Un matin décisif
15 - Des ailes brisées
16 - Trinity
17 - L'attaque des Throne
18 - Fer malévole
19 - Le lien
20 - Une arme révolutionnaire
21 - Vers la chute
22 - Transam
23 - Contre le monde entier
24 - Un vers sans fin
25 - Setsuna
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meisters
03 - O Mundo Em Transformação
04 - Negociação Internacional
05 - Fuga Da Zona-Limite
06 - Sete Espadas
07 - Almas Ingratas
08 - Retaliação Indiscriminada
09 - A Honra De Um Grande Poder
10 - Operação: Capturar Gundam
11 - Allelujah
12 - Aos Limites Dos Ensinamentos Divinos
13 - O Retorno Do Santo
14 - Alvorecer Da Determinação
15 - Asas Despedaçadas
16 - Trinity
17 - Ataque Dos Thrones
18 - O Alvo Das Intenções Malignas
19 - Vínculos
20 - Lâmina Da Reforma
21 - Caminho Da Destruição
22 - Trans-Am
23 - Detenha O Mundo
24 - Poema Interminável
25 - Setsuna
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 25 Modify
01 - Celestial Being
02 - Gundam Meisters
03 - El mundo cambiante
04 - Negociación internacional
05 - Zona limite de escape
06 - Siete espadas
07 - Almas no recompensadas
08 - Desquite desmedido
09 - El honor de poseer un gran poder
10 - Operación captura Gundam
11 - Allelujah
12 - Hasta los limites de las enseñanzas divinas
13 - Retorno de lo sagrado
14 - Comienzo de la determinación
15 - Alas rotas
16 - Trinity
17 - Asalto de los Throne
18 - La meta de las intensiones malignas
19 - Lazos
20 - Cuchilla reformatoria
21 - Camino de destrucción
22 - Trans-Am
23 - El mundo se detiene
24 - Poema sin final
25 - Setsuna


5 members have this series 5 members have this series


Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke
Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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