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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Yadamon


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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 170 Modificar
001 - The little witch appears No.1
002 - The little witch appears No.2
003 - The little witch appears No.3
004 - The little witch appears No.4
005 - The little witch appears No.5
006 - Time of fairy Taimon No.1
007 - Time of fairy Taimon No.2
008 - Time of fairy Taimon No.3
009 - Time of fairy Taimon No.4
010 - Time of fairy Taimon No.5
011 - I hate Hannah No.1
012 - I hate Hannah No.2
013 - I hate Hannah No.3
014 - I hate Hannah No.4
015 - I hate Hannah No.5
016 - Homework and ice cream No.1
017 - Homework and ice cream No.2
018 - Homework and ice cream No.3
019 - Homework and ice cream No.4
020 - Homework and ice cream No.5
021 - Taimon in love
022 - Bothered by the X mark
023 - Hannah's dream
024 - John's love letter
025 - Let's go to town
026 - Manati is inviting them ? No.1
027 - Manati is inviting them ? No.2
028 - Manati is inviting them ? No.3
029 - Manati is inviting them ? No.4
030 - Manati is inviting them ? No.5
031 - Targeted laboratory No.1
032 - Targeted laboratory No.2
033 - Targeted laboratory No.3
034 - Targeted laboratory No.4
035 - Targeted laboratory No.5
036 - Dream of flower Piramisu No.1
037 - Dream of flower Piramisu No.2
038 - Dream of flower Piramisu No.3
039 - Dream of flower Piramisu No.4
040 - Dream of flower Piramisu No.5
041 - The lion escaped No.1
042 - The lion escaped No.2
043 - The lion escaped No.3
044 - The lion escaped No.4
045 - The lion escaped No.5
046 - That's big ! No.1
047 - That's big ! No.2
048 - That's big ! No.3
049 - That's big ! No.4
050 - That's big ! No.5
051 - The secret of the white butterfly No.1
052 - The secret of the white butterfly No.2
053 - The secret of the white butterfly No.3
054 - The secret of the white butterfly No.4
055 - The secret of the white butterfly No.5
056 - The magic of John's father ! ? No.1
057 - The magic of John's father ! ? No.2
058 - The magic of John's father ! ? No.3
059 - The magic of John's father ! ? No.4
060 - The magic of John's father ! ? No.5
061 - The brooch of Ijiwaru ! ? No.1
062 - The brooch of Ijiwaru ! ? No.2
063 - The brooch of Ijiwaru ! ? No.3
064 - The brooch of Ijiwaru ! ? No.4
065 - The brooch of Ijiwaru ! ? No.5
066 - Sad Story of John's Mother No.1
067 - Sad Story of John's Mother No.2
068 - Sad Story of John's Mother No.3
069 - Sad Story of John's Mother No.4
070 - Sad Story of John's Mother No.5
071 - The wedding anniversary gift
072 - Memories of 10 years old
073 - Smile of an angel
074 - Johann is dangerous !
075 - Rehearsal of magic
076 - Post robot
077 - Super John
078 - Practice at tonight weather
079 - The secret magic
080 - I forgot to spell !
081 - Grandpa's gift No.1
082 - Grandpa's gift No.2
083 - Grandpa's gift No.3
084 - Grandpa's gift No.4
085 - Grandpa's gift No.5
086 - John of yu.u.u.tsu No.1
087 - John of yu.u.u.tsu No.2
088 - John of yu.u.u.tsu No.3
089 - John of yu.u.u.tsu No.4
090 - John of yu.u.u.tsu No.5
091 - Octopus Octopus arise !
092 - John is forgetting something
093 - Study of manners
094 - The escaped parrot
095 - Magic of transformation
096 - Yadamon !
097 - Huh ? Chatta appears
098 - Let's fly Yadamon
099 - Ride the raft
100 - Dove of SOS
101 - Animal pancake
102 - John's wing
103 - Am i invisible ?
104 - Lullaby of the witch No.1
105 - Lullaby of the witch No.2
106 - Sand fairy Bagudo No.1
107 - Sand fairy Bagudo No.2
108 - Sand fairy Bagudo No.3
109 - Sand fairy Bagudo No.4
110 - Sand fairy Bagudo No.5
111 - We want always fly on the sky No.1
112 - We want always fly on the sky No.2
113 - We want always fly on the sky No.3
114 - We want always fly on the sky No.4
115 - We want always fly on the sky No.5
116 - Calm awaking
117 - Aryarya is a doughnut !
118 - It flies alone !
119 - This is magic…
120 - Sorry Taimon
121 - Witch Queen of the forest
122 - The anxiety of Beriaru
123 - Majikarusuton
124 - A strange dream
125 - The Eggs of Taimon ?
126 - Yadamon and eggs
127 - Gonna go far away
128 - Kira's flower
129 - Duel on lunars surface
130 - A bitter victory
131 - Galapagos
132 - The poor egg
133 - Return home to the fairy forest
134 - Giant plant Kira
135 - Kira ? Kira ! Kira ?
136 - Where is Kira ?
137 - What Kira ?
138 - Decreasing moon
139 - The witch forest
140 - Approaching Kira
141 - The black witch
142 - Crash !
143 - One day of serenity
144 - Grandpa's book
145 - William is full !
146 - The monstrous beast was born !
147 - Hate hate ! A large hate
148 - Depressed prince Taimon
149 - Weakness of Kira ?
150 - It returns to the egg ?
151 - Does it became vigorous ?
152 - The hopping canoe
153 - Yadamon on fire !
154 - New lie of mother
155 - Kira = Yadamon
156 - Bad child Kana ?
157 - Decisive battle ! Forest of witches
158 - Shinui again
159 - Two friends
160 - Egg of darkness
161 - The Fairy king
162 - Kira's doughnut
163 - Inside the volcano !
164 - The two girls inside the egg
165 - Beginning…
166 - Countdown
167 - St. (cents) Fairy Stone
168 - Awake ! Yadamon
169 - Taimon... !
170 - Earth in pupil
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 170 Modificar
001 - chibikko majo ga yatteki ta №1
002 - chibikko majo ga yatteki ta №2
003 - chibikko majo ga yatteki ta №3
004 - chibikko majo ga yatteki ta №4
005 - chibikko majo ga yatteki ta №5
006 - ji no yoosei tai mon №1
007 - ji no yoosei tai mon №2
008 - ji no yoosei tai mon №3
009 - ji no yoosei tai mon №4
010 - ji no yoosei tai mon №5
011 - hanna nante kirai ! №1
012 - hanna nante kirai ! №2
013 - hanna nante kirai ! №3
014 - hanna nante kirai ! №4
015 - hanna nante kirai ! №5
016 - shukudai to aisukuriimu №1
017 - shukudai to aisukuriimu №2
018 - shukudai to aisukuriimu №3
019 - shukudai to aisukuriimu №4
020 - shukudai to aisukuriimu №5
021 - tai mon daisuki
022 - komatta × kakeru maaku
023 - hanna no yume
024 - jan no raburetaa
025 - machi e ikou
026 - manati ga yon deru ? №1
027 - manati ga yon deru ? №2
028 - manati ga yon deru ? №3
029 - manati ga yon deru ? №4
030 - manati ga yon deru ? №5
031 - nerawa re ta kenkyuujo №1
032 - nerawa re ta kenkyuujo №2
033 - nerawa re ta kenkyuujo №3
034 - nerawa re ta kenkyuujo №4
035 - nerawa re ta kenkyuujo №5
036 - maboroshi no hana pamirasu №1
037 - maboroshi no hana pamirasu №2
038 - maboroshi no hana pamirasu №3
039 - maboroshi no hana pamirasu №4
040 - maboroshi no hana pamirasu №5
041 - nigedashi ta raion №1
042 - nigedashi ta raion №2
043 - nigedashi ta raion №3
044 - nigedashi ta raion №4
045 - nigedashi ta raion №5
046 - ookiku na are ! №1
047 - ookiku na are ! №2
048 - ookiku na are ! №3
049 - ookiku na are ! №4
050 - ookiku na are ! №5
051 - shiroi choo no himi tsu №1
052 - shiroi choo no himi tsu №2
053 - shiroi choo no himi tsu №3
054 - shiroi choo no himi tsu №4
055 - shiroi choo no himi tsu №5
056 - janpapa no mahoo ! ? №1
057 - janpapa no mahoo ! ? №2
058 - janpapa no mahoo ! ? №3
059 - janpapa no mahoo ! ? №4
060 - janpapa no mahoo ! ? №5
061 - buroochi no ijiwaru ! ? №1
062 - buroochi no ijiwaru ! ? №2
063 - buroochi no ijiwaru ! ? №3
064 - buroochi no ijiwaru ! ? №4
065 - buroochi no ijiwaru ! ? №5
066 - itoshi no jan mama №1
067 - itoshi no jan mama №2
068 - itoshi no jan mama №3
069 - itoshi no jan mama №4
070 - itoshi no jan mama №5
071 - kekkon kinen bi no okurimono
072 - 10 sai no omoide
073 - tenshi no hohoemi
074 - yohan ga abunai !
075 - mahoo no o sarai
076 - posuto.robotto
077 - suupaa jan
078 - konya tenki ni naa re !
079 - mahoo wa naisho
080 - jumon o wasure ta !
081 - ojiichan no purezento №1
082 - ojiichan no purezento №2
083 - ojiichan no purezento №3
084 - ojiichan no purezento №4
085 - ojiichan no purezento №5
086 - jan no yu.u.u.tsu №1
087 - jan no yu.u.u.tsu №2
088 - jan no yu.u.u.tsu №3
089 - jan no yu.u.u.tsu №4
090 - jan no yu.u.u.tsu №5
091 - tako tako agare !
092 - jan no wasuremono
093 - manaa no o benkyoo
094 - nige ta oomu
095 - henshin no mahoo
096 - yadamon !
097 - are ? mie chatta !
098 - rettsu.furai.yadamon
099 - ikada ni noro u
100 - hato no SOS
101 - doobutsu pankeeki
102 - jan no tsubasa
103 - watashi, mie nai ?
104 - majo no komori ka №1
105 - majo no komori ka №2
106 - suna no yoosei bagu do №1
107 - suna no yoosei bagu do №2
108 - suna no yoosei bagu do №3
109 - suna no yoosei bagu do №4
110 - suna no yoosei bagu do №5
111 - itsu demo tobi tai №1
112 - itsu demo tobi tai №2
113 - itsu demo tobi tai №3
114 - itsu demo tobi tai №4
115 - itsu demo tobi tai №5
116 - odayaka na mezame
117 - doonatsu ga arya rya !
118 - hitori de tobu !
119 - mahoo wa kooshite …
120 - gomen ne tai mon
121 - majo no mori no jooo
122 - beriaru no fuan
123 - majikarusutoon
124 - fushigi na yume
125 - tai mon no tamago ?
126 - yadamon to tamago
127 - tooku e icchau …
128 - kira no hana
129 - getsumen no kettoo
130 - nigai shoori
131 - garapagosu
132 - kawaisoo na tamago
133 - yoosei no mori e kaeccha e !
134 - kyodai shokubutsu kira
135 - kira ? kira ! kira ! ?
136 - kira wa doko ?
137 - kira wa nani o ?
138 - tsuki no shizuku
139 - majo no mori e
140 - kira ni chikazuku na !
141 - yami no majo
142 - tsuiraku !
143 - yasuragi no ichi nichi
144 - ojiichan no hon
145 - wiriamu ga ippai !
146 - kaijuu ga umare ta !
147 - kirai ! girai ! ! daikkirai
148 - kanashimi no tai mon ooji
149 - kira no niga te wa ?
150 - tamago ni modoru ?
151 - genki ni natta ?
152 - pyonpyon kanuu
153 - yadamon o ute !
154 - mama ni hajimete no uso
155 - kira = yadamon
156 - warui ko ka na ?
157 - kessen ! majo no mori
158 - shinwi futatabi
159 - futari wa tomodachi
160 - yami no tamago
161 - yoosei oo
162 - kira no doonatsu
163 - kazan no naka e !
164 - tamago no naka no futari no shoojo
165 - hajimari …
166 - kauntodaun
167 - hijiri (sento) fearii sutoon
168 - mezameyo ! yadamon
169 - tai mon ... !
170 - hitomi no naka no chikyuu


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