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01 - Adventure of the Dragon Shrine
02 - Luna and the Golden Key
03 - Adventure of the Sacred Castle of the Wind
04 - Adventure of Takinen Valley
05 - Adventure of the Castle of Flame
06 - Castle of the Demon King, Gamigami
07 - Marco's Adventure
08 - Monsters' Battle Meet
09 - Adventure of the Sacred Castle of Water
10 - Adventure of Dragon Shrine again
11 - Adventure of the Sacred Castle of the Dark
12 - Last Battle
13 - Adventure in the Midst of Emotions
14 - Adventure of the Golden Key
15 - Adventure of No. Dagart
16 - Test of Courage of the Sea
17 - Adventure of the Marina Castle
18 - Adventure of the Drops of Moon
19 - Adventure of Kaioumaru
20 - Adventure of Coroconatia
21 - Adventure of the Cave of Trial
22 - Adventure of Remnas
23 - Adventure of the Fossil Island
24 - The Adventure of Goodbye
25 - Spirit King of the Dark
26 - Law of the Moon
Lista de los episodios - Japón
Número de episodios : 26
01 - ryuu no hokora no bouken
02 - runa to ougon no kagi
03 - fuu no seiiki no bouken
04 - takinen keikoku no bouken
05 - en no seiiki no bouken
06 - gamigami maou no shiro
07 - maruko no bouken
08 - monsutaa no butou kai
09 - sui no seiiki no bouken
10 - futatabi ryuu no hokora no bouken
11 - yami no seiiki no bouken
12 - saigo no tatakai
13 - omoide no naka no bouken
14 - ougon no kagi no bouken
15 - dagaato gou no bouken
16 - umi no kan tameshi
17 - mariina jou no bouken
18 - tsuki no shizuku no bouken
19 - kai oumaru no bouken
20 - kurokoneshia no bouken
21 - shiren no doukutsu no bouken
22 - remunasu no bouken
23 - kaseki tou no bouken
24 - sayonara no bouken
25 - yami no seirei ou
26 - tsuki no okite