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01 - The Four Brothers Under Fire
02 - The Legend of Dragon Springs
03 - The Black Dragon King Revealed
04 - Tokyo Bay Rhapsody
05 - The Graceful Agent
06 - Skyscrapers and the Red Dragon
07 - Revenge of the Four Brothers
08 - Rampage of the Iron Dragon !
09 - Storm of the White Dragon King !
10 - The Brothers' Great Escape
11 - The Soaring Blue Dragon King
12 - The Four Dragon Kings Take to the Sky
Lista de los episodios - Japón
Número de episodios : 12
01 - Nerawareta Yon Kyoudai
02 - Ryuusenkyou no Densetsu
03 - Kuro Ryuuou Kengen
04 - Toukyouwan Kyousou Kyoku
05 - Kareinaru Agent
06 - Matenrou no Kouryuuou
07 - Yon Kyoudai no Gyakushuu
08 - Iron Dragon Bousou
09 - Reppuu no Haku Ryuuou
10 - Yon Kyoudai Dasshutsukou
11 - Amagakeru Seiryuuou
12 - Tenkuu no Yon Ryuuou