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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Magic user's club - OAV


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opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Senobi wo Shite Follow You
Intérprete : Mahou Tsukai Tai
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* Tada yuuki wo dasu dake de Yume no tsuzuki genjitsu ni naru

Michi shirube wa anata dake Senobi wo shite oikakete yuku wa

Osanai hi no akogare Jiyuu ni sora wo tobu no

Saa CHALLENGE ga daiji jibunn wo shinnjite

Anata ga dekiru koto wo Watashi mo yaritogetai

Yume wa kanau wa kitto Tooku Takaku

Homete kureru ka na? Yasashii koe de Sukoshi HEART ga uzuku no

Sou mitsumeru dake ja dame Ima nogashitara ato ga nai wa

Omoi wo kaban ni tsumete Senobi wo shite oikakete yuku wa

Futari ga dekiru koto wo Un to chikazuketai no

STEP hitotsu nobottara Kaze ga kawaru

Nozomi wa hitotsu Chiteki na hitomi Watashi dake wo ustushite ne

Mou hitori de nayamanai Kitto ashita ga waratteru kara

Anata no ato dokomademo Senobi wo shite oikakete yuku wa

* Repeat
If I just gather my courage, my dreams will continue into reality

You are the one who will guide me; I'll grow and keep chasing you

That love when I was so young; I fly in the sky so free

It's the challenge that's important! Believe in yourself.

What you can do, I want to master it too.

My dreams will surely come true Farther, Higher

Will he praise me? With his gentle voice... My heart aches a little.

I can't just watch him If I let him go now, I won't get another chance.

I pack my thoughts into my bag; I'll grow and keep chasing you.

I want to make what we can do just that much closer

When I climb a single step, the wind shifts

My only wish: Your wise gaze--please turn it only toward me

I won't worry alone anymore, because tomorrow will be laughing

No matter where you go, I'll grow and keep chasing you.

* Repeat
ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Mata Ashita
Intérprete : Masami
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
me wo tojitara nani ga miete kuru?
yasashii anata no egao
mimi sumaseba nani ga kikoeru no?
yume miteta sasayaki ga
nee itsuka kanaeta koi hitotsu
yuuyami ni POTSURITO negaiboshi
utsumuitara namida koboresou
kakedasu no mata ashita

hoozue tsukinagara kuchizusamu
setsunaku amai MERODII
araigami wo sotto yurasu no wa
itazura na yoru no kaze
kyou sukoshi hanashi ga dekimashita
choppiri tokimeita kibun desu
sotto DAIYARII tojite yume wo miru
hohoende mata ashita

nee itsuka kanaeta koi hitotsu
yozora ni matataku negaiboshi
tsukiakari ni ukabu FOOTO GURAFUU

me wo tojite mata ashita


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


Sac tissu - Kiki
Sac tissu - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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