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1o opening - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Miracle Girl
Intérprete : Anna Dion
Just because I feel happy
I must sing your song at sunset
If I had a second chance
I would look for you in town
I don't wanna give it up
You've left me many chances of loving
If I had a second chance
I would hold you in my arms

You'll be in my corner
I'll be in your heartbeat
So I will bring to you
what's been a paradise
You'll be in my corner
I'll be in your first breath
Until the day I can
get back the magic

Miracle Girl
I wanna keep your affection
Please don't stop smiling
Miracle Girl
will make your dreams come true
That you can be a queen of love
Whoa, Miracle Girl

Even if you are so depressed
I don't want you to feel gloomy
Even if you had enough
You cannot be so selfish
If you wanna find your soul
try to look your friends so closely
If you wanna hear sweet breezes
try to give your energy

You'll be in my corner
I'll be in your heartbeat
There is a time when
I will find someone
You'll be in my corner
I'll be in your heartbeat
There is a time when
you can reach me

Miracle Girl
I wanna stay in your action
Please don't stop smiling
Miracle Girl
will change your life forever
that you can sing a song of love
Whoa, Miracle Girl

Miracle Girl
I wanna keep your affection
Please don't stop smiling
Miracle Girl
will make your dreams come true
That you can be a queen of love

Miracle Girl
I wanna stay in your action
Please don't stop smiling
Miracle Girl
will change your life forever
that you can sing a song of love
Whoa, Miracle Girl
Miracle Girl
1o ending - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Stand By Me
Intérprete : Christine Carlos
I can still recall the night when we just sat
and we both listened to the rain
Can you hear the melody of happy days
when we spent the endless time together?
I can't find you, where are you now?
I just wanna see you as I would before

Stand by me, hold me tight, kiss me soft
like I felt you before
close to me in my arms
I need you here
Stand by me, tell me how
I could stay like I wished before
You promised that you never would leave me alone

Do you still remember when we ran away
You promised me that we'd be one
Can you still tell me the same as you told me
the day when we were caught by friends
Can't you?
But we never talk together
Know how much I miss you?
I wanna see you

Stand by me, stay with me if you want
that I love you so
as I could, as I wished
you could come back
Stand by me, speak to me, take me out
anywhere we could stay away
from anyone, from anything

Tonight again
the same melody
Can you hear it somewhere
as I feel it now

Stand by me, hold me tight, kiss me soft
like I felt you before
close to me in my arms
I need you here
Stand by me, tell me how
I could stay like I wished before
You promised that you never would leave me alone
2o opening - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Bouquet From the Sky Full of Roses
Intérprete : Kiki
You just said when we walk in the rain
"I must tell you that I have to say"
You just said
"I want to marry you"
I don't know what I should answer
You just stopped me
I have to catch my breath
to be kissed as you could hold me in your arms
But I know that you always try to show you off
that you are the man of a kind

In the middle of the street
you did propose to me
I just said it can't be true
I could not believe
As people walk
they just look at us on the road
We had to hide from the rain
to cover us up

Tell me how I should respond
to what he proposed
I could not hear anything
not even a honk
Tell me where
I should go and find an answer
For the people of the world
now they are watching us
Chu chu!

Can you get my word that I did love you so
I just could not tell you as I thought
Even when you kissed me I didn't say a word
I wish you could understand me

I still remember what you said to me
that I can always keep on my wishings
But you don't have to give me all that I want
If you smile, it's the best I get

Tell me how I look for you
nothing on my lips
I must feel shy as I lost my color on it
I wonder if you know that I'm not so gentle
I hope you will not regret to take me with you
Tell me how long you can keep
kissing me so good
I could not see anything as I close my eyes
Tell me where you'll let me see the rainbow
It will last forever more
as long as we can live
Chu chu!

Who could tell my future
You have shown how I must act like
I just wanna see you
catching the flower from the sky, full of kisses
I can see your love
(Can you stay with me?)

In the middle of the street
you did propose to me
I just said it can't be true
I could not believe
As people walk
they just look at us on the road
We had to hide from the rain
to cover us up

Tell me how I should respond
to what he proposed
I could not hear anything
not even a honk
Tell me where
I should go and find an answer
For the people of the world
now they are watching us
Chu chu!
2o ending - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Meet Me Again With A Smile
Intérprete : Christine Carlos
I'm lost where to go in the labyrinth
just like I were flown into the sky
My heartbeat's pounding
My heart feels sorrow
just like when I would walk alone

I could recall how I felt on the street
Did you remember what I said?
Walking up the hill
you just pushed my back
just like we reached to the heaven

Say me
that you want anything
I could do for you
in my voice
with my heart
I want what you want

Say me
that you could make myself
happy ever after
just by holding me so tight
If you can come close
I don't wanna leave you
Please stay on my side
Can you meet me again with smile?

I am led by light
of the sky mixed in
twilight sunset making streets shiny
I don't know how much
apple of my eye
reflects on the little star

But I confess that I would tell you
that you've been always looking after me
Even if you're away
even if I'm far
you just watched me so tenderly

Say me
that you want anything
I could do for you
in my voice
with my heart
I want what you want

Say me
that you want to feel me
so warm as my heart beats
just by holding me so tight
If you can come close
I don't wanna leave you
Please stay on my side
Can you meet me again with smile?
3o ending - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Love For Tomorrow
Intérprete : Anna Dion
Ah, I miss the days when we were together
and we talked our dream
Do you still remember
that you were dancing with your friends
under the tree on the campus
Ah, if you can recall
the song we listened when we were alone
I would only ask why you kissed me
knew that I liked you from long ago

I felt weak as time went by
You just left me suddenly
Day by day, night to night
I just have to see you again
Cross my fingers

Now I can tell you that I won't cry
I know that you can't be the same
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Like we did in our dream together

Ah, we miss the days when we talked to each other
'bout future's princess
We were always sitting together
Thought that we could see summer delight in the distance

Ah, if I could tell you that I was thinking
when we sat alone
I could only ask you to watch me
Know that I changed my hair just for you

I wanted someone so close
to make me feel easy
Day by day, night to night
I tried to get my every days and my first love

But I can tell you that I'm grown up
So that I could say goodbye to you
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Love for tomorrow, we won't miss again

Now I can tell you that I won't cry
I know that you can't be the same
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Like we did in our dream together

Oh, I can tell you that I'm grown up
So that I can say goodbye to you
Nothing will stop us to love somebody
Love for tomorrow, we won't miss again
Love for tomorrow
1o opening - Español Español Título : Chica del Milagro
Intérprete : Christine Carlos
La melodia en los labios
El sol cae sin darnos cuenta
Si miro la ciudad veo tu imagen
No puedes renunciar
No abandones ese trozo del sueño
Vuelve de nuevo a encender tu corazon

Pasa la gente por el cruce
Ahora, quien, donde, que estas haciendo?
El corazon que vibra
Como si buscara el diamante en la arena

Miracle girl
Siempre el milagro depende de tu corazon
Miracle girl
El sueño en tus pupilas se cumplira algun dia
Whoa, Miracle Girl

No te dejes llevar por el sentimiento de vacio
No digas que es todo lo que se ve con los ojos
La energia que puedes sacar para poder hacerle lo que el quiere
Esta esperandote en el viento

En el corazon el cielo que extiende
La ola del amor, sueño, y futuro
Tu sonrisa sobre el agua
De repente brilla mas intensamente

Miracle Girl
Si sonrien tus labios color de rosas
Miracle Girl
Seguro que cambiaras de lo que has sido hasta ahora
Whoa, Miracle Girl

Miracle girl
Siempre el milagro depende de tu corazon
Miracle girl
El sueño en tus pupilas se cumplira algun dia

Miracle Girl
Si sonrien tus labios color de rosas
Miracle Girl
Seguro que cambiaras de lo que has sido hasta ahora
Whoa, Miracle Girl
Miracle Girl
2o opening - Español Español Título : Un Ramo de Besos a la Lluvia
Intérprete : Christine Carlos
De repente el tipo dijo "casemonos ahora mismo"
La ciudad con el anuncio de chaparrones
Todos estan apurados
Diciendo que estamos enamorados los dos como adultos
Ni demasiados lejos ni cercas
Asi nos quedabamos

La inesperada propuesta!
En un cruce de calles de la ciudad
Mentira, quedandome parada
El paraguas que rueda como una flor
No oigo ni siquiera la bocina
No me puedo mover asi empapada
Todo el mundo en silencio
Ahora nos esta contemplando
Chu chu!

Te queria mucho desde antes te esperaba en realidad
Por mi orgullo fingia que no me interesabas

El trabajo y el amor los dos para mi son importantes
Pero la sonrisa del tipo es mi tesoro mas preciado

La propuesta como en sueño!
Estoy con el rostro sin maquillar
Una chica de caracter tan fuerte
Es verdad que te gusto tal como soy?
Un anillo de la gota de la lluvia
Ahora se cayo en mi dedo anular
El recuerdo de una vez en la vida
Hazme feliz te quiero
Chu chu!

Mira, el destino esta llamandonos
Para ti este ramo de besos mojado por las lagrimas que
expresan el si
(Ya no te suelto mas!)

Las inesperada propuesta!
En un cruce de calles de la ciudad
Mentira, quedandome parada
El paraguas que rueda como una flor
No oigo ni siquiera la bosina
No me puedo mover asi emparada
Todo el mundo en silencio
Ahora nos esta contemplando
Chu chu!
3o opening - Francés Francés Título : Tu As Besoin de Reve
Intérprete : Helene Matha
Si je sens de toi
si je sens des
parfums de notre vie
je te dirrait que
la vie n'a plus aucun sens sans toi

Si je vais vers toi
si je te donne
les fleurs du paradis
je pourrais prendre
grand amour qu'il me reste
au fond de ma vie

Tu parle d'autres filles quand tu m'voit
Tu est comme toujours
mon p'tit homme stupide
Tu croit que
je ne te quitterai pas
ne pas m'accrocher
je suis seule

Tu sais que, tu sais que
j'n pourrais vivre sans toi
un message d'amour
La vie autrement
les couleurs câlines
qui viennent éclairer mon âme

Je sais que, je sais que
ton amour était plus fort
je pourrais alors te suivre
tout au cours de la vie

Si tu sais pourquoi
si tu peux dire
quand tu es parti
je penserai même
en rêve tu te serais envolé aussi

Si tu veux faire foi,
si tu veux être
a moi pour la vie
Je n'aurai pas peur
quand je passerai à la maison aujourd'hui

Pour que tu comprenne combien je t'aime
Je demande si tu voudras m'épouser
Pour que tu comprenne quej'ne peux vivre
sans toi
T'envoyer encore
un baiser

Tu sais que, tu sais que
j'n pourrais vivre sans toi
Si ne de ces jours
tu diras au revoir
devant ma maison
je ne suis pas heureuse comme ça

Tu sais que, tu sais que
je ne te quitterai jamais
pour que je marche a tes côtés
Laisse-moi avec toi

Tu sais que, tu sais que
j'n pourrais vivre sans toi
un message d'amour
La vie autrement
les couleurs câlines
qui viennent éclairer mon âme

Je sais que, je sais que
ton amour était plus fort
je pourrais alors te suivre
tout au cours de la vie

Je pourrais alors te suivre
tout au cours de la vie
3o ending - Francés Francés Título : Tu étais bien le premier
Intérprete : Helene Matha
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Est-ce que tu t'en souviens
Du ciel de l'école
De ces doux moments?
Si tu voulais les vivre encore
Je t'en supplie, ce qui
S'est passe, nous

Chaque fois que je reviens
De voir les feuilles mortes
Après le lycée
Je dois repenser à ces beaux jours
A toutes ces images du passe

J'ai rêvé à notre amour
Pour rester au fond du lit
Tous les jours, toutes les nuit
Mon coeur nattend que toi
Même en rêve

Je sais que tu ne reviendra pas
Mais je veux te donner le message
Puisque tu était bien le premier
Grand amour qu'il me reste encore
Dans ma vie

Est-ce que tu t'en souviens
De la mélodie
Des parfums du vent?
Ca se lit dans tes yeux dans tes gestes
Que tu es amoureax, je les
Reconnais souvent

Si je peux bien chanter
Ta chanson encore
Nous tous ensemble
Je t'envaierais mon baiser
Pour que tu sois l'amour de ma vie

Si j'avais pu pleurer
Te montrer que je t'amais
Nous serions la tous les
Deux face à face au
Ciel et la mer

Je sais que tu ne reviendra pas
Mais je veux te donner le message
Puisque tu était bien le premier
Grand amour qu'il me reste encore
Dans ma vie

Je sais que tu ne reviendra pas
Mais je veux te donner le message
Puisque tu était bien le premier
Grand amour qu'il me reste encore
Dans ma vie

Je sais que tu ne reviendra pas
Mais je veux te donner le message
Puisque tu était bien le premier
Grand amour qu'il me reste encore
Dans ma vie

Grand amour qu'il me reste encore
Dans ma vie
1o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Miracle Girl
Intérprete : Nagai Mariko
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
kuchibiru ni MERODI itsu shika kizamu yuugure
machi wo mi-oroseba kimi no sugata mieru
yume no KAKERA sutenaide
mo ichido sono mune
atatame naoshite yo......
kousaten no hito no nagare
ima, dare, doko, nani shiteru?
suna no naka no DAIYAMONDO
sagasu mitai na tokimeki

* Miracle Girl
kiseki wa itsudemo kimi no HAATO shidai
Miracle Girl
hitomi no negai wa itsuka kanau hazu yo
wow wow, Miracle Girl

munashisatte koto ni madowasarenaide ite ne
me ni mieru mono ga subete to iwanaide...
shite hoshii koto wo
shite agerareru ENAJII
sore wa kaze no naka
kimi wo matte iru sa
kokoro no naka hirogaru sora
ai, yume, mirai, uzumaku
mizu no ue no namida no iro
fui ni kagayaki wo masu yo

** Miracle Girl
BARA no kuchibiru ni hohoemi ukabereba
Miracle Girl
tsui sakki made no kimi ga kawaru hazu sa
wow wow, Miracle Girl

* ** Repeat
Miracle Girl
1o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Stand by me
Intérprete : Himenogi Rika
[Stand By Me]

ame no hi no yoru BIDEO o
hiza wo daite miteta
midori no oka to mizu-umi
natsukashii keshiki ni aeta

kyonen wa anata to
eigakan de miteta hazu

* Stand By Me soba ni ite ne
ano koro no you ni kata o daite ne
Stand By Me toki wa sugite shimau kedo
iya yo otona ni naranaide

dare ni hantai sarete mo
futari de iyou ne to
iede no mane mo shita kedo
eki de hiki-sakareta ano hi

toori de atte mo
me o sorashite aruku dake

Stand By Me kodomojimita koi da yo to
minna warau keredo
Stand By Me sou yo nanika taisetsu na
mono o ushinatta mitai de

eiga no RASUTO de
hikaru hoho o te de nuguu

* Repeat
2o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Ame ni Kiss no Hanataba wo
Intérprete : Imai Miki
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
totsuzen AITSU ga itta "kekkon shiyou yo, sugu ni"
machi wa ooame chuuihou minna isogiashi

ai shiteru-tte iinagara futari otona doushi
tsukazu hanarezu no naka de iyou to fuiteta

* omoigakenai PUROPOOZU! SUKURANBURU no do mannaka
uso deshou tachidomatta mama korogatte yuku kasa no hana

KURAKUSHON sae kikoenai zubunure no mama ugokenai
sekaijuu iki wo hisomete ima watashi-tachi mitsumeteru yo Chu! Chu!

daisuki datta no zutto honto wa mattetanda
seiippai KAKKO tsukete wa ki no nai furi shiteta

shigoto mo ren'ai mo watashi taisetsu dakedo
AITSU no egao ga yappari saikou no takaramono

yumemiteru you na PUROPOOZU! RUUJU mo torete shimatta kao
konna ni ki no tsuyoi onna nee honto ni watashi de ii no?

ame ga tsukutta shizuku no wa ima kusuriyubi ni ochita yo
isshou ichido no omoide shiawase ni shite anata ga suki Chu! Chu!

unmei ga hora temanekishite iru
Yes wo komete namida ni nureta kuchizuke no hanataba o

* Repeat
2o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Egao wo Sagashite
Intérprete : Karashima Midori
tasogare ni mai-orita kokoro no RABIRINSU [kanji: meikyuu]
tokimeki to setsunasa ga mawari hajimeteru

hitonami no kousaten senaka osarenagara
sakamichi wo doko made mo anata to aruita

* naze hoshii mono wo "daisuki" to koe ni dashite ienai no?
ima anata ga iru tada sore dake de yasuragu kimochi
"tsunaideru sono yubi wo hanasanaide..."
egao wo sagashite

yuugure to machi no hi ga kasanaru sora no iro
hoshikuzu no matataki wo hitomi ni utsushite

hitotsu wakari kaketa no furi-mukeba anata ga
itsu no hi mo kawarazu ni soba ni ite kureta

naze hoshii mono wo "daisuki" to koe ni dashite ienai no?
ima anata ga iru kono nukumori wo sodatete yukou
"ARIGATOU ashita mata aeru no ka na?"
egao wo sagashite

* Repeat
3o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Makeruna Onnanoko !
Intérprete : Hara Yuko
Mi·so·ra misora ashita ha
Mi·so·ra misora hareru ya
Koi ha misora kakeru oshie uta

Yume no naka anata to ikeru no nara
Kanashimi mo tomadoi mo iranai wa
Kono mune wo atsuku suru omoi dake
Taisetsu ni anata dake miteitai no

Akogare dake no koi nante kono koro ja niawanai
Sukoshi dake otona no muudo ajiwatte mitai

Yamete! Onna no ko ha yowai no
Totsuzen no yuuwaku ni kokoro made ubawaresou de
Dame yo! Onna no ko ha makenai
Hontou no koi ni deau hi made

Taikutsuna mainichi ha iranai wa
Sarigenaku tokimeiteitai kara
Kizutsuite naku koto ha kowakunai
Doko mademo kono yume wo shinjitai no

Tameiki ga deru tabi sotto uketomete hoshii kedo
Toomawari bakari no deeto sore datte suteki

Dame ne! Onna no ko ha yowai no
Fukinuketa akikaze ni yureteiru otomegokoro yo
Dame yo! Onna no ko ha makenai
Hontou no koi ni deau hi made

Mi·so·ra misora mi·so·ra mi·so·ra misora mi·so·ra
Mi·so·ra misora mi·so·ra mi·so·ra misora mi·so·ra

Koi ha misora kakeru otomegokoro haneru

Yamete! Onna no ko ha yowai no
Totsuzen no yuuwaku ni kokoro made ubawaresou de
Dame yo! Onna no ko ha makenai
Hontou no koi ni deau hi made
Kagayaita toki wo anata dake ni
3o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Shoujo Jidai
Intérprete : Hara Yuko
Ah ochiba mau koutei de kata wo yose
katari-atta yume wa ima mo wasurezu ni iru kedo
Ah suki datta ano uta mo ano hito mo
omoide ni kawatte aki no sora ni toketa

kanawanu koi ni nagasarete
nemurenu yoru mo sugoshi dakedo kimochi wa

* itsudemo hohoemi wo nakimushi ni sayonara
dare demo koi wo shite otona ni naru no yo

Ah kin-iro ni kagayaita shoujo-tachi
oshaberi wo shinagara otagai no koi no yukue wo
Ah kyoushitsu no katasumi de uranatte
madobe de wa ikutsu mo tameiki wo otoshita

chiisa na mune wo odorasete
hajimete no koi oi-kaketeta ano ko [kanji: musume] wa

** itoshii ano hito ni owakare no kuchizuke
namida wo hitoshizuku kokoro ni kakushita

** Repeat
* Repeat
kibou no ashita e
4o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : You and I
Intérprete : Nagai Mariko
tokoro kamawazu nageru kimi no tameiki no kazu
kotoba de umaku ienai yasashii kimochi ni natte

toki ni wa nohara de yasunde
tama ni wa kawabe de asonde
dare mo otte kuru wake ja nai shi

* tooku tooku haruka kanata mada minu ano basho e
kitto kitto tadori-tsuite mo kimi to iru yo

ate no nai tabi wo shitai kimi no kuchiguse da yo ne
shiranai toko ni yukitai tokuige ni katatteru

utsuro datta ano koro yori
zuibun to nanika ga mieru
konna kimochi kurikaesu n darou

** tooku tooku haruka kanata mada minu ano basho e
kitto kitto tadori-tsukeru kimi to iru kara

dokoka futari wa nite iru yo
otagai nanika tarinai yo
dakedo koko de tachi-domarazu ni sa

* Repeat

** Repeat
4o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Itsumo Soko ni Kimi ga Ita
Intérprete : Lazy Lou's Boogie
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Owari no kane ga natte
Kimi ga seki o tatsu
Ki ga tsukeba itsudemo
Kimi dake o mitsumeteta

Boku no soba de kimi wa
Chigau koi ni mi karete
Omowazu boku wa
Ashi o sukumete shimatta ne

PEEJI o mekuru to
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita
NOOTO no rakugaki
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita

ARUBAMU o nagamete wa
Natsukashiku omounda
Nigiyaka na sazameki ga
Mimi ni kodama suru

PEEJI o mekuru to
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita
NOOTO no rakugaki
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita

Sugi yuku toki no naka de
Ano toki no nakama wa
Ima nani o katatte iru no darou

PEEJI o mekuru to
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita
NOOTO no rakugaki
Itsumo soko ni kimi ga ita


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


Coque iPhone 4/4s - Kiki
Coque iPhone 4/4s - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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