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Titre : How far to paradise Interprète : Derek Jackson
One way or another.
I'll get myself together.
I'll get my body moving
I'll get my head to clear
One way or another
Gonna cross the desert
I'm going far away from here
One way or another
Sheer determination
Moves one foot, then the other
Lord, it's a heavy load
One way or another
I'll reach my destination
Lord, it's a long and lonely road
How far to paradise?
How far to paradise?
How long the journey
To deliver my soul?
How far to paradise?
How far to paradise?
How far back to my home?
Trials and tribulations
Heartache and frustration
Somehow I go on living
Sometimes I wonder why
Far too many questions
Never any answer
Only my faith keeps me alive
How far to paradise?
How far to paradise?
How long the journey
To deliver my soul?
How far to paradise?
How far to paradise?
How far back to my home?
Will she still be there for me
I need the tender love she gave me
Still be there to care for me
Only her precious love can save me