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opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : To be free
Interprète : Stella Furst
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Though you try to drain my mind
With all your foolish lies
I am fragile but powerful
No need to deny
Listen to my deed
I know your scheme
Is just a constant bluff
I need to get away
From this game you like to play

To be free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
Though you may not believe it

"Come and going as you please"
Was never in the line
Wining, dining, amplyfying
Need to go and shine

Destined to complete
My endless need
Before the dawn erupts
I'm gonna hide away
Got a creed that beats my greed

To be free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
You better believe it
I am free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
Although you may not believe it

If you try to drain my mind
You'll wind up hypnotized
I am fragile yet powerful
Don't think otherwise

I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it

Gotta find the way
Just to make my day
Gonna be a bird
That'll fly away
Not a soul in the world that could stop
Not a chance in the world
that'll take my place
Gotta find my way out of here
Gotta find my way to the freedom zone
Not a soul in the world that can stop
Gotta find my way to the freedom zone
ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : You're not all alone
Interprète : Nobuo Saki
There are times when life can be cruel
Blink your eyes; it'll pass before you know
A done deal... Believe me...
What is that my mother used to say?
"Rome was never built in just one day
by the ancient who reigned"

You're not all alone..
You're not all alone..
Don't think that you're all alone in the universe
You gotta hang your head high

Searching but not finding
Reaching but not binding to
The beast I have raised inside a cage
Trying for redemption
Ending in damnation
It's alright
I'm aware
Life is fair

Striving but not winning
Thriving but not giving in
The beast I have fed is now in rage
Chasing for the rainbow
Winding empty handed
Every dog has his own day

When you feel temptation in you
Take a glance; and you'll see the pale horse
Be docile... he'll guide you...
What was that the wisemen always say?
"Where the will may lie the path is
all but a breath away"

You're not all alone..
You're not all alone..
Don't think that you're all alone in the universe
You gotta hang your head high

Touching but feeling
Calling but not hearing him
The beast I have loved is now in vain
Standing on a cradle
Landing in a saddle

It's alright
I'm aware
Life is fair

Striving but not winning
Thriving but not giving in
The beast I have fed is now in rage
Chasing for the rainbow
Winding empty handed
Every dog has his own day


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Coque iPhone 5/5s - Mononoke


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