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opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Hit in the usa
Interprète : Beat Crusaders
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I've never dreamed before
I'm gonna knock the door
Into the world of perfect free
(You ain't no lonely)

You're gonna say I'm lying
I'm gonna get the chance
I thought a chance is for from me
(You ain't no lonely)

I was made to hit in America
(I was made to hit in America)
I was made to hit in America

I've never dreamed before
I'm gonna knock the door
Into the world of perfect free
(You ain't no lonely)

You're gonna say I'm fool
But now I made it true
How many times I try to be
(You ain't no lonely)

I was made to hit in America
(I was made to hit in America)
I was made to hit in America

You are the sun
You are the star
(To me, forever)

You are the sun
You are the star
(To me, forever)

I was made to hit in America
(I was made to hit in America)
I was made to hit in America
1er ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : My world down
Interprète : Meister
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Another minute
Feelin' so fine
You turn the freeze
Into warm light

Had a premonition
I been waitin' ever since
My world comin' down
It's got me spinnin' 'round

No guarantees
But I'm so sure
She's into silence
Candy for the head

Had a waking vision
I been so high ever since
My world comin' down
It's got me spinnin' 'round

If you really wanna fly
You gotta let go

Simply the most
Big sensation (Once you're here you won't go back)
She's really pretty
One-eyed vision (Lose the fear it don't come back)
Little sister showed me
Really took me for a ride
My world comin' down
It got me spinnin' 'round
Yeah, when I found you
My world came crashin' down

Once you're here you won't back
Lose the fear it don't come back
2ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Moon on the water
Interprète : Sowelu et Beat Crusaders
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Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day

On my way
Looking for a moment with my dear

Full moon waves
Slowly on the surface of the lake

You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool
I don't know 'bout tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was fool
Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Old love affair
Floating like a bird resting her wings

You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years
3ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Slip out
Interprète : Mongolian Chop Squad
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I don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy
I have to warm this frozen, icy, lonely heart to thaw
I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure
I'm gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy

I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be
I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul
I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole

Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
Love is not the word only for the sweet romance

Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end

Recalling my torn, broken, aching heart of these long days
And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps
Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me
And I take all and grin at my future on the way


8 membres possèdent cette série 8 membres possèdent cette série


Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Ichigo
Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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