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opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
the mental blade cut through flesh and bone
though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
missing the inner heat, life gets colder
oh yes, I have to find my path
no less, walk on earth, water, and fire
the elements compose a magnum opus
my modus is operandi is amalgam
steel packed tight in microchip
on my arm a sign of all-pro
the ultimate reward is honor, not awards
at odds with the times in wars with no lords

a freelancer,
a battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a klan
only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

look, just the air around him
an aura surrounding the heir apparent
he might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
he to the people and land, loyalty
we witness above all to hear this,
sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
set sail to the sun set no second guessing

far east style with the spirit of wild west
the "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
time for the chosen ones to find the best of
noble minds that ever graced the face of
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over

the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too

[chorus repeat]
3ème ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
Oh, you know...
You know what to say...
Say "I love you".

Oh, I think
You've got to know right away
"Maybe me too".

You are a nice, cool breeze in me.
I feel you blowing in.

I can feel the sunlight all around me.
You're shining.

I feel beautiful when I'm around you.
I'm safe and confortable
'cause you are wonderful.
It feels natural to be around you.
You've made it possible.
You're wonderful.

Oh, can I...
Can I tell you why...
Why I need you?

Oh, my life
You've made it a cloudless sky
I can fly trough.

You are a deep, strong wind in me.
I feel you. Come on in.

Can you see the sunlight all around me?
You're smiling.

I feel beautiful when I'm around you.
I'm safe and confortable
'cause you are wonderful.
It feels natural to be around you.
You've made it possible.
You're wonderful.

I feel you...

I feel beautiful when I'm around you.
I'm safe and confortable
'cause you are wonderful.
It feels natural to be around you.
You've made it possible.
You're wonderful.

I feel beautiful when I'm around you.
I'm safe and confortable
'cause you are wonderful.
It feels natural to be around you.
You've made it possible.
You're wonderful.

You're wonderful.
You're wonderful ...
You …
opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Battlecry
Interprète : Nujabes feat. SHINGO2
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sharp like an edge of a samurai sword
the mental blade cut through flesh and bone
though my mind's at peace, the world out of order
missing the inner heat, life gets colder
oh yes, I have to find my path
no less, walk on earth, water, and fire
the elements compose a magnum opus
my modus is operandi is amalgam
steel packed tight in microchip
on my arm a sign of all-pro
the ultimate reward is honor, not awards
at odds with the times in wars with no lords

a freelancer,
a battle cry of a hawk make a dove fly and a tear dry
wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a klan
only trust your instincts and be one with the plan

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

some days, some nights
some live, some die
in the way of the samurai
some fight, some bleed
sun up to sun down
the sons of a battlecry

look, just the air around him
an aura surrounding the heir apparent
he might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
he to the people and land, loyalty
we witness above all to hear this,
sea sickness in the ocean of wickedness
set sail to the sun set no second guessing

far east style with the spirit of wild west
the "quote-unquote" code stands the test of
time for the chosen ones to find the best of
noble minds that ever graced the face of
a hemisphere with no fear, fly over

the blue yonder where
the sky meets the sea
and eye meets no eye
and boy meets world
and became a man to serve the world
to save the day, the night, and the girl too
1er ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Shiki no uta
Interprète : Minmi
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Mata yo ga akereba owakare
Yume wa tooki maboroshi ni
anata wo oikaketeita hikari no naka de
Dakareru tabi atatakai kaze wo tayori

Haru wo tsuge odoridasu sansai
Natsu wo miru uji noharakaragusa kawaku wa
Aki no tsuki nobotta manmarusa oiwai
Fuyu wo sugi mata tsukihi wo kazoeru

Mada mabuta no oku ni aru itsuka no natsu
Toosugita aozora (atakakatta)
Te wo tsunagu hanatsumi utau
Itsu ya omoide (ate wa naku)
Hatsuki kara mitsuki kumo to karamu tsuki
Mou itsuka kaeranu koto ni
Mezameta toki hitori kizuki
Anata sagasu tabi ni
Ima yobisamasu kioku no naka de
Iza arukidasu anata no moto e

Mata yo ga akereba owakare
Yume wa tooki maboroshi ni
Anata wo oikaketeita hikari no naka de
Dakareru tabi atatakai kaze wo tayori

Haru wo tsuge odoridasu sansai
Natsu wo miru uji noharakaragusa kawaku wa
Aki no tsuki nobotta manmarusa oiwai
Fuyu wo sugi mata tsukihi wo kazoeru

Kimi ni yori nana himukata yori ni
Kimi ni mita hana no kaori katami ni
Musubiyuku michi araba mata kaerimimu
Nagareruru namida tomesokanetsuru

Oikaze sakebu
Seijyaku wo kowasu no
Nanimo osorezu susumu no
Kogane no hana ga hakobu no
Yasashisa ni anata ni futatabi ai ni
Ima seijyaku wo kowasu no
Nanimo osorezu susumu no
Kogane no hana ga hakobu no
Yasashisa ni anata ni futatabi ai ni

Haru wo tsuge odoridasu sansai
Natsu wo miru uji noharakaragusa kawaku wa
Aki no tsuki nobotta manmarusa oiwai
Fuyu wo sugi mata tsukihi wo kazoeru

Haru wo tsuge odotte sansai
Haru wo miru uji noharakaragusa kawaku wa
Aki no tsuki nobotta manmarusa oiwai
Fuyu wo sugi mata tsukihi wo kazoeru

Mata yo ga akereba owakare
Yume wa tooki maboroshi ni
Anata wo oikaketeita hikari no naka de
Dakareru tabi atatakai kaze wo tayori
2ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Who's theme
Interprète : Minmi
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Tsurete tte anata no basho e
Kaze ni natte iki wo hisomete
Tsurete tte anata wa doko e
Toki wo koe kokoro hodoite

Yureru hidamari shiroku tooku
Ate mo shiranai kioku hodoku
Kaoru himawari imada ni chiranai kinaga ni
Oshiete yo subete wo shitte shimau fuan
Na noni naze shiritaku naru yuragu omoi yo

Haru natsu aki fuyu kanadete
Asu wo yuku tabi tsumikasanete
Kidzukeba anata to yume no hate made

Tsurete tte anata no basho e
Kaze ni natte iki wo hisomete
Tsurete tte anata wa doko e
Toki wo koe kokoro hodoite

Mimi wo sumasete tasogareru made
Kakureta mama de mukae matte
Kimagure na kaze kikkake mekurete omoide
Ano koro nanigenaku kikoete ita kotoba
Itsu kara ka kokoro no naka ookiku shimeru

Haru natsu aki fuyu kanadete
Asu wo yuku tabi tsumikasanete
Kidzukeba anata to yume no hate made

Tsurete tte anata no basho e
Kaze ni natte iki wo hisomete
Tsurete tte anata wa doko e
Toki wo koe kokoro hodoite
3ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : YOU feat. kazami
Interprète : Tsutchie
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oh, you know
you know what to say
say "I love you"

oh, I think you've go to know right away
"maybe me too"

you are a nice, cool breeze in me
I feel you blowing in

I can feel the sunlight all around me
You're shinning

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful

oh, can I
can I tell you why
why I need you
oh, my life
you made it a cloudless sky I can fly through

you are a deep, strong wind in me
I feel you - come on in

can you see the sunlight all around me
You're smiling

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful
4ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Fly
Interprète : Tsutchie
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Aruasa no kawa no hotori
Kusamura midori no nitani korobi
Matasaki kusuguru choucho to
Ima daki kirenu sore wa dokomademo toui

Jidai ni osaefuka meru SCREEN
Utsushidaseru no wa yume no tsuzuki
Akubi hitotsu to ookiku senobi
Haru no sesaragi hitori dainichi

Haruka yama no itadaki no goriiki
Kisetsu matabe tabi no michizushi
Hoho o kasumete tondeku tsubame
Furimuki sama "ohayou" koe o hakorase

Sore sore ihaneba seige to koshiage
Sorode ittai dochira made
Sore wa, sore wa, sore wa, sore wa
Tokini soushun sou tabi no tochuu

Tsumari bokura nishi e kudari
Burari samurai kodori burai
Michizure tamashii sora e fuwari
Tsubasa hirogaeshitara, FLY

Tsumari bokura nishi e kudari
Burari samurai kodori burai
Michizure tamashii sora e fuwari
Tsubasa hirogaeshitara, FLY

Itsuha taki ni deru koto ni naru towa
Umareta toki kara shitte imashita
Ansuro shota chiisama senaka ni
Dareka ga yobu koe kikoete mashi

Kakogaeri no yuuyake komichi
Natsukashi sa ni madoromi aruku hibi
Kitto zutto mukashi tachigi sagashi
Yobisamachi yagate hajimaru tabi

Houmekutte rekishi himotoku
Yori mo ore nu sekai gu sutte hitoku
Suika no seko ni hibiku kanshoku
ASPHALT no shita ni nemuru hioku

Tadori tabi ukabu genzai karakako
Boku wa boko ni deau daru
Soshite mirai no boku go boku we mitsuke
Sore made koko de chotto machibuse

Tsumari bokura nishi e kudari
Burari samurai kodori burai
Michizure tamashii sora e fuwari
Tsubasa hirogaeshitara, FLY

Tsumari bokura nishi e kudari
Burari samurai kodori burai
Michizure tamashii sora e fuwari
Tsubasa hirogaeshitara, FLY

[Break musical]

Tsumari bokura nishi e kudari
Burari samurai kodori burai
Michizure tamashii sora e fuwari
Tsubasa hirogaeshitara, FLY ….
5ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : San Francisco
Interprète : Midicronica
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Yeah good morning

Hitori okidasu umou no shita
Mata atarashii seikatsu ni hariototsu
Mada usuguraku tomoru gaitou ga
Sewashinakute choushin kizamu guideline

Taikutsu wa ikutsuka no fact itsuka mita kenshiki
Kako o furikaeru actor and actress
I wouldn't miss it for the world

La la la la ….

Get up get up
Keep on moving slowly
Good morning and good sunshine

Shinya kara asa kusunda kyoukaisen
Mata chigau kotae sagasu kotai
Chikyuu no ue aruku
Shuuki wa ano hakusen no mukou ni aru taiyou

Tannaimon hannaimon wa naino?
Tte mayotte sagashite
Itsu no manika asondeta hadashide
Sosh ! tara mata yoru ga me ga me o samashite

Asa kara ban hello!
Mattaku motte no hoka no yami tokasuka
Kasukani watasu kara hazumi chakuchi tsuki no
Jasmine oyasumi

La la la ….

Get up get up
Keep on moving

Get up get up
Keep on moving

La la la ….

Get up get up
Keep on moving

Get up get up
Keep on moving

La la la ….


8 membres possèdent cette série 8 membres possèdent cette série


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