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The fighting !
Editions (146)
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1er opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Under star
Interprète : Shocking Lemons
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ryuusei no ai ga kimi ni isshun no hikari okutteru...
eien no yume o mite...rolling go...

ame ga furi yamazu ni kata o nurasu keredo
SUPIIDO wa yurumenu mama...street go...
soshite toki wa nagare dare mo kawaru keredo
boku wa ano hi no mama...street song...

I want to dive...lost mind...
I want to dive...lost mind...
I want feeling...I want feeling...itsumo...
I want to dive...lost mind...
I want to dive...lost mind...
why, why, why, why? I want to dive!
feeling over...

ryuusei no ai ga kimi ni isshun no hikari okutteru...
eien no yume o mite...lonely go...

nani mo kangaezu ni ima o ikiru dake no
boku o sasaete iru...street song...

I want to dive...lost mind...
I want to dive...lost mind...
why, why, why, why? I want to dive!
feeling over...

ryuusei no ai ga kimi ni isshun no hikari okutteru...
ryuusei no ai ga jibun ni eien no yume okutteru...
going the know...yo...
going the know...yo...
1er ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Yuuzora no kamihikouki
Interprète : Naoya Mori
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Yasashii iro shita sora wo utsushite kousou biru ga yake ni kirei da
yuukikau hitotachi sorezore no mune no naka de keshiki wa kawatte mieru

kanashii iro shita dare ka no tameni ima no jibun ni nani ga dekiru no ka?
tobenai tori tachi sonna ni sora ga takai to wa omowanai omoitakunai

chotto shita koto de fuan ni narukara
daijoubu datte kaita "note" no "page" wo yabutte tsukutta...

kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo ashita ni douka maniauyou ni
zutto zutto zutto zutto yuuhi wo oikakete iruyo...

kamihikouki ga ochinai youni boku wa sora ni negai wo kakeru
zutto zutto zutto zutto yume ga mitai kara

Yasashii iro shita jikan no nakade jibun ga totemo chiisaku mieta
owatte shimau kyou wo omotte nani ka dekiru koto wo sagasu keredo

nandaka chotto kangae sugitana
daijoubu datte omoereba sore ga dai ippou ni naru

kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo ashita ni douka maniauyou ni
zutto zutto zutto zutto yuuhi wo oikakete iruyo...

kamihikouki ga ochinai youni boku wa sora ni negai wo kakeru
zutto zutto zutto zutto yume ga mitai kara

kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo nando mo kaze ni butsukari nagara
zutto zutto zutto zutto tooku made dokomade mo takaku

kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo yume ga yume de owaranai youni
zutto zutto zutto zutto shinji tsuzuketeiru

dakara zutto zutto zutto zutto tonde yukeru yo...
2ème opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Inner light
Interprète : Shocking Lemons
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Sagasou kotae wa kikanaide
Mitsuketai GIRIGIRI no shoubu de
Get life jikan ga sonna ni nai ze
Sore ga start way

I want this only
Sagashimotomeru ano giniro no hikari no naka de
Dareka wo kizutsukete jibun mo kizutsuite
Dakedo owarazu ni tada oimotome

Tadai oimotome
Nani mo mietenai keredo... why?
Kitto kono mama no pain trance continue
2ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : 360°
Interprète : Naoya Mori
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Nani o yattemo onajiyouni
Nandoto naku machigaio kurikaesu
Naniga hontoni hitsuyou namono
Ashomoto kinishite shita bakari Miteshimau
Sonna tokiwa hora

Uewo mitemiru tookuomitemiru
Itsumoto chigau kakudo mitsukete
Semai toorimichi kaoo agetanara
360 do hirogaru sekai
3ème ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Eternal loop
Interprète : Saber Tiger
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I get up again...
With my wounded body.
Tomorrow's the only way to go.
"Palms are for loving."
That's what I was told.
I squeezed and hid my fists for love to live.

The true meaning of why I'm not living alone.
I realize in a chain of breaths that has been handed down.
I hoped to live in a pure future.
Emination that I am battling earnestly.

Repeated destructions and sins.
If that's the fate of the human race.
I will grab tomorrow with only my hands...
And cut the ring...

Even if I can't deal with my long, long, long life.
I don't want to mistake the place to live
for the place to death.
No matter what...

Repeated destructions and sins.
If that's the fate of the human race.
I will grab tomorrow with only my hands...
And cut the ring...

Even if I can't deal with my long, long, long life.
I don't want to mistake the place to live
for the place to death.

With the strength of stepping out,
From the closed eternal loop.
I will spread my weak wings
until my heart's content.

I can't help myself dreaming the same dream.
No matter how much pain I've got!
No matter how much I've lost in deep darkness.
I have my future in hand.
Go forward from now on.

In a spiral woodland,
tomorrow never comes by screaming.
Despair won't get me heard anything.
There weren't any stars to the sky, anywhere.
People sowed hopes in the hearts.
The time you have spent wasn't wasted.
There will be someone waiting for you.
Until then, I hope you live precious life.

In spite of looking back hangs heavy upon me.
I won't blame myself anymore.
While I've been feeling people's pain.
I've been hurt enough already.

Let me catch dropping tears on my palm.
And I will keep watching forever.
When the tears dry out by gentle light.
I should see my hope...


6 membres possèdent cette série 6 membres possèdent cette série


Coque galaxy S4 - Ichigo
Coque galaxy S4 - Ichigo


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3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
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3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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