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opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
And then, Lady, if you sigh and look at the world of today
The countries 'round the world will start to change
But then, Lady, when the borders in between us fade away
You can see the dawning of a brand new age

Stay dreaming, stay gold
Don't want you to forget how you feel
Like the boys who took off, set to follow their dreams
Anyone can be an adventurer
Forever a lonesome hero

Gold Rush! Money can't buy you dreams
But a million dollars just might
I wanna try it anyway
Gold Rush! Money can't buy you love
But a million dollars just might
I'm gonna try it anyway
A never-ending romance calls me from afar
Gold Rush! Money can't stop the time
But a million dollars just might
I wanna go there anyway
Will I live or will I die
I'm starting here with nothing at all
Gold Rush! Gold Rush!

So then, Lady, if you let your spirits fade and lose their way
The mem'ries of past love can disappear
That's why, Lady, you gotta fly and never think of lookin' back
A lonely man is waiting just to hold you near

Believe in your dreams
Don't want you to change what you believe
Like the boys who took off, with tears in their eyes
Anyone can be an adventurer
Forever a lonesome hero

Gold Rush! Money can't touch the stars
But a million dollars just might
I wanna fly there anyway
Gold Rush! Money can't reach the sun
But a million dollars just might
I'm gonna do it anyway
Will I live or will I die
I'm starting here with nothing at all
Gold Rush! Gold Rush!

Stay dreaming, stay gold
Don't want you to ever change your mind
The sky turns red as the sun goes up
Anyone can be an adventurer
The future has a new hero

Gold Rush! Money can't buy you dreams
But a million dollars just might
I wanna try it anyway
Gold Rush! Money can't buy you love
But a million dollars just might
I'm gonna try it anyway
A never-ending romance calls me from afar
Gold Rush! Money can't touch the stars
But a million dollars just might
I wanna fly there anyway
Gold Rush! Money can't reach the sun
But a million dollars just might
I'm gonna do it anyway
Gold Rush! Money can't stop the time
But a million dollars just might
I wanna go there anyway
Will I live or will I die
I'm starting here with nothing at all
Gold Rush!
ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Titre non renseigné
Interprète : Interprète non renseigné
You are my star in the sky
Shining with a far-off light
I will be the wind that blows
O'er the sea and all through the night

So many times I have cried bitter tears
I know too well the heartbreak and pain
Take me to the land where my soul
United with you is made whole again

Love and hope will never die
Dreams of you are by my side
Cry no more, dry all your tears
I'll be there - El Dorado

A whisper of a lullaby
Singing sadly 'cross the sea

Anyone who hears the song
Soon turns into a wanderer

Invisible to us now is our fate
Which ties you to me so faraway
I believe in your love promised me
My heart will never lose you again

Love and hope will never die
Dreams of you are by my side
Gone with sadness, set the course
For my goal - El Dorado

La, la, la, la... searching for you ev'rywhere
La, la, la, la... faraway El Dorado

To the land of perfect love
There our hearts can become one
Paradise forevermore
That is my El Dorado

I remember as a child
In my mother's arms I slept
She sang to me of journeys far
I can still hear her voice in the wind

I need you, I need your love
How could I betray my heart?

Faith in you is all I have
Dreaming of El Dorado


Love and hope will never die
Dreams of you are by my side
Gone with sadness, set the course
For my goal - El Dorado

La, la, la, la ... searching for you ev'rywhere
La, la, la, la ... faraway El Dorado
opening - Italien Italien Titre : Caccia al tesoro con Montana
Interprète : Cristina D'Avena
Caccia al tesoro, caccia al tesoro con Montana
Vai Montana !

Chissà se in questo luogo nascosto c'è un tesoro
Di zaffiri e brillanti o di pepite d'oro
Se c'è so che Montana prima o poi lo troverà
Si lo troverà, vai Montana
Arriva in un istante con il suo idrovolante
Si butta, corre e salta è sempre più pimpante
Così che tutti quanti senza fiato lascerà
Senza fiato, senza fiato tutti quanti senza fiato

Da un capo all'altro del mondo lui va (lui va)
Sfidando mille difficoltà (vai lui va)
Si muove sempre con agilità
Non si stanca mai, (non si stanca)
Proprio mai
Vai, vai, vai, vai Montana !

Vai, vai non fermarti mai Montana
Vai, vai superando i guai
Tutti i tesori han dentro il tuo coraggio, Montana
Vai, vai corri più che puoi, Montana
Vai, vai vola dove vuoi
Quanti tesori ci porti da ogni viaggio
Tesori senza frontiere per Montana !

Caccia al tesoro, caccia al tesoro con Montana
Vai Montana !

Gli piace l'avventura e non ha mai paura
Affronta i gratta capi con disinvoltura
E sa che nei suoi viaggi
Tanti amici incontrerà
Tanti, tanti, tanti
Tanti, tanti, tanti amici

Da un capo all'altro del mondo lui va (lui va)
Sfidando mille difficoltà (vai lui va)
Si muove sempre con agilità
Non si stanca mai, (Non si stanca)
Proprio mai
Vai, vai, vai, vai Montana !

Vai, vai non fermarti mai Montana
Vai, vai superando i guai
Tutti i tesori han dentro il tuo coraggio, Montana
Vai, vai corri più che puoi, Montana
Vai, vai vola dove vuoi
Quanti tesori ci porti da ogni viaggio
Tesori senza frontiere per Montana !

(Tutti i tesori han dentro il tuo coraggio, Montana)
Vai, vai corri più che puoi, Montana
Vai, vai vola dove vuoi.
Quanti tesori ci porti da ogni viaggio

Caccia al tesoro, caccia al tesoro con Montana
Vai Montana !
Caccia al tesoro, caccia al tesoro con Montana
Vai Montana !
Caccia al tesoro, caccia al tesoro non fermarti mai, (marti mai)
Montana ! (mai) Vai !!
opening - Japonais Japonais Titre : Boukensha-tachi
Interprète : The Alfee
soshite Lady tameiki o tsuku shunkan ni
sekai chizu wa kawatteku
dakedo Lady kokkyou ga kieta sono toki
atarashii jidai miete kita

Stay Dream Stay Gold
wasurenaide hoshii
netsu ni ukasareta shounen-tachi
dare mo ga boukensha ni naru
eien to iu HIIROU

* Gold Rush! hyakumanben demo yume wa kaenai
dakara tsukamitai
Gold Rush! hyakumanben demo ai wa kaenai
dakara ubaitai
hateshinaki rouman e sasou

** Gold Rush! hyakumanben demo toki wa tomaranai
dakara yuku no sa
shinu ka ikiru ka ZERO kara hajimaru

Gold Rush! Gold Rush!

kitto Lady hootsue o tsuku shunkan ni
koibito wa satte yuku
dakara Lady tamerawazu tobi konde yuke
sabishiki otoko no sono mune ni

Believe in your Dream
shinjitsuzukete hoshii
hitomi urumaseta shounen-tachi
dare mo ka boukensha ni naru
kodoku to iu HIIROU

***Gold Rush! hyakumanben demo hoshi wa tsukamenai
dakedo tobitai
Gold Rush! hyakumanben demo niji wa tsukamenai
dakedo hashiritai

shinu ka ikiru ka ZERO kara hajimaru Gold Rush! Gold Rush!

Stay Dream Stay Gold
kawaranai de hoshii
akai chiheisei hi wa nobori
dare mo ka boukensha ni naru
mirai to iu HIIROU

* repeat



Gold Rush!
ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : El dorado
Interprète : The Alfee
kanashimi no uta o kuchizusamu toki
hito wa dare demo tabibito ni naru

mienai ito o tadori haruka na kimi no moto e
shinji au kokoro wa dare ni mo makenai kara

ai wa shinanai yume wa kienai
kanashimi koete mezase ERUDORADO

tooku ni kirameku hoshi ga kimi nara
boku wa yozora o wataru kaze ni naru

setsunaku afuretekuru namida ga shitte iru
kizutsuita kokoro o iyaseru sono basho o

ai wa shinanai yume wa kienai
namida o fuite mezase ERUDORADO

RARARARA... kimi o motomete

ai ga michiru basho sore ga ERUDORADO
futatsu no kokoro ga hitotsu ni naru yo

osanai ano hi ni haha ni dakarete
itsumo kiite ita uta ga natsukashii

kimi ni aitai ima sugu aitai
tsunoru omoi ga daichi o hashiru

dakara ai wa shinanai yume wa kienai
kanashimi koete mezase ERUDORADO

RARARARA... kimi o motomete


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


Coque iPhone 5/5s - Hauru
Coque iPhone 5/5s - Hauru


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