| 1er opening - Américain / Anglais  |
Titre : Pokemon world Interprète : Youngstown |
 | So, you wanna be a Master?
Understand the secrets and
Have some fun?
So, you wanna be a Master?
Do you have the skills to be
I wanna take the ultimate step, find the courage to be bold
To risk it all and not forget the lessons that I hold
I wanna go where no one's been, far beyond the crowd (yeah!)
To learn the way to take command, use the power that's in my hand
We all live in a Pokemon World
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
We all live in a Pokemon World
I'll put myself to the test to be better than all the rest
Ev'ryday along the way I will be prepared
With ev'ry challenge I will gain knowledge to be shared
In my heart there's no doubt of who I want to be
Right here, standing strong, the greatest Master of Pokemon
We all live in a Pokemon World
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
We all live in a Pokemon World
I'll put myself to the test to be better than all the rest
So, you wanna be a Master?
Understand the secrets and
Have some fun?
So, you wanna be a Master?
Do you have the skills to be
(Instrumental break)
Use the power that's in my hand!
We all live in a Pokemon World
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
We all live in a Pokemon World
I'll put myself to the test to be better than all the rest
We all live in a Pokemon World
I wanna be the greatest Master of them all (The greatest Master)
We all live in a Pokemon World
I'll put myself to the test to be better than all the rest | 1er ending - Américain / Anglais  |
Titre : Polkamon Interprète : Weird al Yankovic |
 | Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat, Mankey, Chansey, and Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree, Lugia, and Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen, Elekid, and Nidoqueen
Victreebel and Magneton..Everybody Polkamon!
Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke, Marill, Moltres, and Slowpoke
Articuno, Ditto, Muk, Flareon, and ol' Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom, Snorlax, and of course Vileplume
Zapdos and Charmeleon...Everybody Polkamon!
It's time to polka for Ponyta and Pidgey, too
Come on put on your leader hoses
And try not to step on little Pikachu
You'd better grab yourself a partner
Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur)
Hold on a minute! There's still at least 127 more!
Ledyba and Omastar, Jynx, Bellossom, and Magmar
Geodude and Arcanine, Jigglypuff, and Mr. Mime
Don't forget about Sandlash, Exeggcute, and Rapidash
Lickitung and Porygon...Everybody Polkamon!
Everybody Polkamon!
Everybody Polkamon! | 2ème ending - Américain / Anglais  |
Titre : The power of one Interprète : Donna Summer |
 | You must always remember...
Life can be a challenge...
Life can seem impossible...
It's never easy, when so much is all for life...
But you can make a difference...
With courage you can set things right...
The gift to dream and make dream real,
Is yours and mine...
The power of one!
Begins with believing!
It's starts in the heart...
Then flows through the soul...
And changes the world!
Imagine how life will be...
When we stand in unity...
Each of us holds the key...
To the power of one!
Each of us is chosen...
There's a mission just for you...
Just look inside...
You'll be surprised...
What you can do...
The power of one!
Begins with believing!
It's starts in the heart...
Then flows through the soul...
And changes the world!
Imagine how life will be...
When we stand in unity...
Each of us holds the key...
To the power of one!
Then one by one...
We can make the world...
A much better place!
The power of...ONE!
Begins with believing!
It's starts in the heart...
Then flows through the soul...
And changes the world!
Imagine how life will be!
When we stand in unity!
Each of us holds the key...
It's inside of you and me!
Each of us holds the key...
To the power of one!
The power of one... | opening - Brésilien  |
Titre : Pokemon mundo Interprète : SNZ |
 | Se você quer ser um mestre [Pokémon]
Pra chegar ao topo do mundo pra um grande mestre ser[Pokémon]
Tem que arriscar e aproveitar as lições que você aprender
Eu quero ir onde ninguém foi e muito mais além
Ter o poder em minhas mãos e lutar só pelo bem!
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon]
Eu quero ser o melhor
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon]
Vou passar no teste e serei o melhor dos mestres!
Se você quer ser um mestre [Pokémon]
Ser de todos o melhor,
Se você quer ser um mestre [Pokémon]
Ser de todos o melhor,
Vamos lá!
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon]
Eu quero ser o melhor
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon]
Vou passar no teste e serei o melhor dos mestres!
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon]
Eu quero ser o melhor !
Nós vivemos no mundo Pokemon! [Pokémon] ... | 3ème ending - Japonais  |
Titre : Toi et moi Interprète : Namie Amuro |
 | tobimawaru kodomotachi
fushigisou ni nagameru koNEKOtachi mo ga
daremo ga waratte TELL ME! CAN YOU FEEL IT OR YOU CAN'T?
chotto shita asobi demo...
tsumi no nai uso demo...
sonna omoide ni
kokoro ga uzuku yo...
dokokara ka waitekuru yuuki to kibou de
oboresou ni natteru KIMI wo tasuke ni
dare ni mo shinjite moraenai donna ni
nagai michi aruite mayou koto naku susundemo
dare no tame demo nai...
jibun to no tatakai wo itsumademo
atomodori wa dekinai yo ima kara ja
makeru wake ni ikanai yo!
kaeru koto no dekinai unmei dakishimechaou yo
sabishii SUTOORII hitori de sagashite
kimi ni chikazuku isshun yume miteru
dokomade tsuzuku no ka wakaranai yozora wo
futari de habataki maiagaritai
hitotsubu no namida ga kawaku koro
toki ga karamiau
kurayami ga sotto me wo tsuburi
hisoyaka ni mamoritsuzuketeru
KIMI ga iru dakara warai koko de namida suru
KIMI dake no atsui sekai tsuyoku tsukami mamoru
KIMI ga iru dakara aishitai hanarenai
KIMI dake no atsui sekai tsuyoku dare yori mo
kaeru koto no dekinai unmei zutto dakishimechaou yo
| | 0 membre possède cette série |