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opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Shut up and explode
Interprète : Boom Boom Satellites
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Down fall and it all falls down
I fall from grace I got your taste
Turn off your mind unwind
And see how high the cloudy sky

Run away Run away
Leave you in the dust
Soak it up Soak it up
Won't you crush on me

Run away Run away
Leave you in the dust
Soak it up Soak it up
Won't you crush on me

Running Free Running Free
Driving me insane
Shut it down Shut it down
It's about to explode

Run away Run away~ !!! (repeat)

I think I'm raw so I draw
Just press that button
It's all so good

Now my heart bursts
Like a bottle of wine
You lose you bite your lipe

Let it down Let it down
Keep it in your heart
Bring it up Bring it up
Savor my world

Let it down Let it down ((repeat))

Run away Run away~ !!!
ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Vacancy
Interprète : Kylee
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Everyday I wake up, thinking it'll be okay
Because you promised me that, you'd come back some day
My heart is throbbing, but I will wait
I'll strive... to stay strong

And I will always miss you
But I can't take it anymore
What if your life were vacant
And passed away, oh no

I have this vacancy in my heart
There's just something that's always tearing me apart
I don't know why I ever let you go
Now, there's no one to bear with me

Bear with me
2ème opening - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Back on My Feet
Interprète : Boom Boom Satellites
Blinking tears
It's burning me down
I guess you could if you wanted
I know you know more
And you don't even need to know who I am
How to keep it alive to make it
It's on your back

You have a gift to the world
Do something I never would
Cos your girl
Gonna give you the guns in my head

You want me to be like you
I got my face in my hands
Cos you're girl
Gonna give you the guns in my head
Give you the guns in my head

Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
2ème ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Just Breathe
Interprète : Kylee
We all fall down
And I feel your pain
In these situations
You've gotta step up

And it's okay
Just take it all in
Nothing's ever changed
We all make mistakes

Just breathe it all in ooh woah
Just breathe it all out, yeah
Just take it all in, ooh woah
Before you fall out, yeah

Erase your pain and let go
Just take your time, don't rush now
Don't be too hard on yourself
Leave it all behind now

Just take a chance to breathe now
3ème ending - Américain / Anglais Américain / Anglais Titre : Over U
Interprète : Kylee
We had a spark you caught my eye
Everytime I'd walk by
We were perfect
At least that's what I thought oh
You used to be my everything
I even let you in
Gave you my love and my heart
Got it back in two

Yes I have been hurt many times
But not like this before
Frustrations come and go
But this one
Been here for too long

I'm so over it
I see now that I'm so much better off without you
Without you
I'm so over you
I do not need this pain when I'm around you
Around you

I am so over it


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


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Veste training homme - Hauru


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