Release date : 22/03/2013
Type : ComicsCategory : -
Genres : Action, Science fiction
Author : COLLECTIFPublisher : Urban Comics
Public : -
Code EAN : 9782365772006Description : 320 pages
Contient des épisodes tirés de :
Action Comics #1-2 (1938), Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster
Superman #17 (1942), Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster & John Sikela
Superman #53 (1948), Bill Finger, Wayne Boring & Stan Kaye
Action Comics #242 (1958), Otto Binder & Al Plastino
Superman #141 (1960), Jerry Siegel, Wayne Boring & Stan Kaye
Superman #149 (1961), Jerry Siegel, Curt Swan & Sheldon Moldoff
Superman #247 (1972), Elliot S. Maggin, Curt Swan & Murphy Anderson
Action Comics #544 (1983), Marv Wolfman & Gil Kane
Superman #400 (1984), Elliot S. Maggin & Frank Miller
Superman V2 #11 (1987), John Byrne & Karl Kesel
Action Comics #622 (1991), Roger Stern & Bob McLeod
Action Comics #775 (2001), Joe Kelly, Doug Mahnke & Lee Bermejo
Mythology : the DC Comics art of Alex Ross (2003), Chip Kidd & Alex Ross
Action Comics #900 (2011), David S. Goyer & Miguel Sepulveda
Action Comics #0 (2012), Grant Morrison & Ben Oliver