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Data de salida : 25/06/2005 Tipo :CD Categoría : Shonen Géneros : Acción, Aventura Autor : - Editor :Miya Records Público : 12+ Codifica a EAN :4719314022221 Descripción : bande son de la série TV
Resumen :01 - on the precipice of defeat 14 - destiny awaits
02 - asterisk TV version 15 - catch-22
03 - comical world 16 - heat of the battle
04 - oh so tired 17 - blaze of the soul reaper
05 - head in the clouds 18 - battle ignition
06 - ditty for daddy 19 - never meant to belong
07 - creeping shadows 20 - storm center
08 - raw breath of danger 21 - Number One
09 - enemy unseen 22 - going home
10 - will of the heart 23 - Life is Like a Boat for TV EDIT FAST ver.
11 - requiem for the lost ones 24 - peaceful afternoon
12 - Nothing Can Be Explained 25 - Thank You!! TV version
13 - burden of the past